jo hardern jo hardern

Teaching Practice 8b
Pre-intermediate level


* This lesson intends to focus on lexis. The context is 'first impressions'. By the end of the lesson Ss should be able to express their opinions using the TL (key vocabulary) and produce this in both speaking and writing exercises. * Ss will be exposed to TL in context; reading a text and hearing native speakers (American and English). *Ss will identify positive and negative opinions by reading for gist. * Ss will then practise intonation patterns through listening to an audio recording- noting stress for strong opinions. * Ss will produce this ina a controlled environment - as a WC and in pairs. * Ss will then work indiviually to think of their own impressions of istanbul ( 2 positive and 2 negative). Ss mingle with WC to find someone with the same opinion and sit down with a new partner. * Ss then practise productive speaking skills for fluency, and use of TL by discussing the other negative and positive opinions they have noted with their new partner. The activities in lesson are designed to draw Ss attention to context - that we look for the fact that opinion adjectives can be both positive and negative. * If there is time in the lesson, Ss will write down one of their impressions and add them to a class collage on the wall.


Abc 8b projector images
Abc 8b worksheet 1 - reading text first impressions
Abc 8b video clip - native speakers
Abc 8b audio clip
Abc 8b worksheet 2
Abc 8b sentences for intonation practise

Main Aims

  • Our main aim of in lesson is to practise using TL (key vocabulary) in the context of 'first impressions'.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Our secondary aim is to practise intonation - speaking for expression. A further aim is for Ss to practise reading for gist to be able to identify positive and negative opinions.


Lead-in/warmer (2-5 minutes) • To introduce Ss to the context 'first impressions' and enage them in the topic.

1) * To introduce the word collocation 'first impressions' by showing a series of flashcards to set context. a) Smart and scruffy interview candidates. If you were the interviewer what would you think of this person when he walked through the door (x2). What is he like? 2) A beautiful picture of the 1st bridge over the Bosphorus. T: " When I came to Istanbul I thought the Bosphorus was beautiful. I like to take a boat across the Bosphorus." " My friends asked me what is it like?" Elicit 'opinion' and 'thoughts'.... impressions. CCQ for impressions. 2) *T draws a time line to show past, now, and future to demonstrate the meaning of first impression. CCQ for first impression

Stage1: Introducing TL (pre-teaching vocab) (8-10 minutes) • To introduce Ss to TL in the context of 'first impressions' through story-telling and mime.

1) T: tells a story with mime that incorporates TL - eliciting words from the Ss. Then concept checks,drills,and writes words on the board. awful waste of ,,, confusing litter I can't stand mosquito extremely

Stage 2: Reading for gist (6-8 minutes) • Ss to practise receptive skills - reading for gist to identify positive and negative opinions.

1) * T introduces Ss to context of the text. Britain and America speak the same language but life in the two nations can be very different. Ss will watch an interview with a British person (Paul) saying his first impression of America, and an American (Toni) saying her first impression of Britain. Context question: Is Toni's impression positive or negative (negative) . Is Paul's impression positive or negative (positive). 3) * T demonstrates reading activity on WB. Ss read the text passage (first impressions) for gist and identify the positive and negative opinions, by putting + and - by each. Ss have 3 mins. 4) Ss check in pairs, T ask 2 Ss in the class " Is Claude from Trenton's impression of Britain (read out sentence to expose Ss to spoken language) impression negative or positive? [positive]. Is Louise from Southampton's impression of America positive or negative [negative]. Answer key on WB and wall.

Stage 3: Listening for intonation and practice speaking for accuracy (6-8 minutes) • Ss are exposed to sentences that express strong likes and dislikes to highlight intonation

1)* T presents 6 sentences on WB that can be used to express strong likes and dislikes. Ss listen to an audio recording of the sentences and read along. Listening for strong intonation. Ss listen twice more. 2)* WG say the sentences out loud as a class (stand up) . Intonation checking question: " She doesn't like the weather at all. Positive/ negative? [negative] - where is the stress? ( at all) CCQ: If you saw me throw my biscuit wrapper on the floor ( litter) (use realia) what would impression would you have of me? [ negative] 3)* Drill - check individuals and groups together ( all the boys, all the girls, all the nice people).

Stage 4: Mingling and speaking acticity (7-9 minutes) • Ss to discuss their own opinions and practise speaking in pairs in a semi-controlled environment

1) * Ss write down two positive and two negative impressions they have of Istanbul individually. 2) * Ss mingle with WG to find someone who has the same like or dislike as them. Pairs sir down together, 3)* Ss discuss in pairs the other opinions they have on their paper. T encourages Ss to use key vocab available on WB.

Stage 5: Production: Writing and presentation (3-5 minutes) • Ss to practice productive writing skills to present their opinions in WG collage

1)* TT puts paper and tack on desk at the front and demonstrates activity so clear. 2) * When ready students write down on of their impressions ( negative or positive - and their name, and tack it to a poster at the front of the class to make a class collage of impressions.

[optional] Review activity • To review vocab with an enjoyable PW activity to guess TL: Hangman.

Last lesson fun activity if extra time to acknowledge the class rapport. 1) * Hangman using vocab used in today's lesson . T demonstrates game on the WB and Ss play in pairs. 2) A joke to take away on the board " My dog has no nose... really how does it smell? ... Awful" .., use of TL in amusing context.

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