David Vella-Zarb David Vella-Zarb

Teaching Practice 3


Abc Handout with written exercises
Abc Handout with listening exercises
Abc Recordings
Abc Pictures of cards related to special occasions
Abc Handout for freer practice
Abc Handout for teaching months

Main Aims

  • To teach vocabulary related to dates using the context of special occasions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide
  • To develop listening skills using the context of special occasions and dates, particularly with regard to being able to distinguish between similar-sounding words.


Vocabulary 1 (5-10 minutes) • To teach vocabulary related to special occasions, engage students and develop their listening skills

Students will be placed in groups and asked to match cards with pictures on the board related to special occasions like birthdays. The correct phrase that goes with each event will be elicited (for example "happy birthday!" for birthdays) and pronunciation of all these words will be drilled. Students will then be divided into pairs and given a listening exercise where they will listen to everyday conversation related to these events and decide which events are being referred to.

Vocabulary 2 (5-8 minutes) • To teach vocabulary related to months

I will play a quick game of hangman with 'months', and then elicit examples of months from students. Students will be given a handout asked to put the months in the right order - I will work an example on the board by writing January first. This will be checked by asking students one by one which month goes next - the correct month will be written on the board, pronunciation will be drilled and the stress will be highlighted.

Controlled practice 1 (15-20 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Students will be given two exercises to work in pairs to test their knowledge of dates. An example will be worked for each exercise on the board before giving them the handout. In one exercise they'll match numbers like 1st with words like first, and in another they'll write dates like 07/10/99 using words. Pronunciation of these words will be drilled and answers will be checked by asking individual students and writing on the board.

Listening practice (8-10 minutes) • To develop listening skills and practice distinguishing between similar-sounding words

Students will be given two listening exercises to work individually. To demo instructions, for each exercise I will pause the recording to work the first example then do a quick monitoring before proceeding to let them work on their own. In one exercise they'll fill in the gaps with what they hear, in another they'll distinguish between similar-sounding dates like 30th and 13th. Answers will be elicited from students and written on the board and pronunciation of the words will be drilled, particularly with regard to the similar dates.

Freer practice (13-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

I will write the date of my birthday on the board and try to get students to guess what it is, then elicit the question "Why is [that date] important?" and keep it written on the board for reference. I will then ask students to write their names and four dates on the handout, each representing a special day like their birthday. I will then collect the handouts and randomly shuffle and re-distribute them, asking students to find their partner and ask them why those four dates are important using the elicited question. For feedback, I will ask students to tell me what their partners said.

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