Serena Serena

Beginner level


This lesson will be mainly focused on listening and speaking practice. To set the context, T will show students some pictures representing famous bands/singers (that they know), to recall the related vocabulary taught in previous classes and to introduce some new expressions to talk about their musical taste. Then, they will be asked to read a text about one of the bands and to answer some questions. Later, students will listen to an interview to the band and T will try to elicit general information about it. After that, T will hand them a list of questions and they will have to listen to the text again to look for the needed details. During the last stage of the lesson, students will be involved in a role play activity to practice their speaking skills.


Abc Reading Activity
Abc Speaking support
Abc Listening Exercise

Main Aims

  • To listen (for gist and for detail)

Subsidiary Aims

  • To speak
  • To use conversation questions/answers to get to know someone (age, country, likes/dislikes..)


Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To introduce the topic, set the context and engage students with the TL

T will stick the pictures of three different famous singers/bands on the WB and tell the students "Talk about them in pairs, two minutes". T will listen to them, without participating. Then, T will take each picture and ask "Who is he/she?", "Who are they?". Students will start saying their names and T will try to elicit each piece of information they know about them, leading them to say/guess their age, country, kind of music.

Vocab Pre-teach (5-6 minutes) • To introduce some new structures and vocabulary related to the topic

T will stick the pictures on the WB again and ask "Do you like him/her/them?", "Do you like pop music?", "Who's your favourite singer?", "What's your favourite band?", "What's your favourite type of music?". Students will try to talk about their own preferences. As a support, T will write on the WB two model questions and answers, to highlight the difference between Wh and Yes/No questions. "Who's your favourite singer?" - "Murat Boz" "Do you like pop music?" - "Yes, I do/No, I don't"

Pre-listening (7-8 minutes) • To prepare students to the listening activities

T will show the first HO with the picture of the band METRO 5 and wait for the Ss to remember who they are (possibly, without asking it..). Then T will give a copy to each pair (it will be a PW activity) to read the text and do ex.2, just saying "Read and answer (if needed). 3 minutes". Later, T will ask Ss to compare their answers with the whole class, going around to check ("Stand up and check your answers with the others"). T will invite four students to write down the correct answers on the WB (e.g. "A, B, C, D, please come and write your answers").

Listening for gist (2-5 minutes) • To let Ss listen to a text quickly and get its general sense

T will just tell Ss "Listen, please" and start the activity. After that, T will try to encourage them to say what they could get from the text (if necessary, T will ask "Who are they?", "Where are they?").

Listening for detail (10-13 minutes) • To give Ss the chance to practice a different kind of listening activity where they have to listen for detail.

T will show Ss the HO with the questions and tell them "Please, read these questions. 1 minute". ICQ: "Will you read or answer?" "Read". She will give them the sheets. Then, T will say "Now, let's listen again and answer the questions ALONE". ICQ: "Will you answer in pairs or alone?!" "Alone". T will play the recording a second time, to let them complete and check their answers. Then, T will ask Ss to check them in pairs and will discuss the results with the WC, writing the answers on the WB.

Speaking practice (5-8 minutes) • To let Ss speak to look for specific information during a role play

T will tell Ss "Now, you are a band! Imagine the name, the type of music.. (showing the chart) and write them. 3 minutes". Ss will be working in groups to define the details of their own band. Then, T will ask Ss to mingle and ask each other about their bands ("Now, stand up and ask the other bands "What's your name?", What kind of music do you play?"..). T will go around to listen, but will leave them free to interact.

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