Perdi Brown Perdi Brown

TP3 - Online friendships
Intermediate level


Students talk about using the internet for socialising and friendships. Students look at the 5 questions in groups. They need to concentrate on the underlined words. Write down which words they know, they don't know and the words they think they know. If there are words they don't know, does someone else in the group know? Before going through the answers as a class see what words each group knows and doesn't know and match up the words to the meanings on the board. Model and drill pronunciations. Students answer the 5 questions in groups. Feedback a couple of students to check for any errors. Students read the title of the article- WHat do people use social networking sites for? and discuss in different pairs whether they can think of any reasons why these sites could be bad for friendships. Feedback to the whole class. Write keywords on the board. Ask students what they use social netowrking sites for as a class. Students read the article alone to see whether it mentions any of their ideas. They then check with a partner to see if any of their ideas were mentioned. Feedback answers to whole the class. Students read the 5 questions then read the article again to answer the questions from the text. Students work in pairs on this task then feedback to the class. Students discuss in different pairs the 4 questions. FInd out who agrees with Dr Tyagi and who disagrees and elicit reasons to the class.


Main Aims

  • To give students practice in reading for gist, detail and deducing the meaning from context , in the context of friendships made on social networking sites

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give students practice in speaking for fluency after introducing, reviewing and practicing vocabulary used to talk about social networking sites


Warmer/Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Who uses the internet to chat to people and share pictures and ideas? These are social networking sites. Go over the ones they thought of yesterday

Pre-Reading/Listening (13-14 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

In groups students use the handout to identify known words, unknown words and words they only think they know. Monitor for errors in pronunciation and meaning. Each group gives the words they think they know. If that word is on another group's known list then let the students tell each other. For the unkown words that nobody knows write the words on the board with the meanings not in order and get students to match correctly. Keep this on the board for future class reference. Model and drill pronunciation of the words. Students work in pairs to discuss handout exercise 1. Monitor for pronunciation. Elicit answers from a couple of students. Students discuss the text heading which is on the board in different pairs. Reasons why these sites are bad for friendships.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Change pairs. Students read the text handout individually for gist then discuss in pairs if it mentions any of their ideas. Monitor for understanding. Elicit some ideas from the pairs and write them on the board

While-Reading/Listening #2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

In different pairs students read exercise 3 questions then read the text again and answer the questions after I go through an example with them and check understanding. Monitor for understanding and error correction. Use projector with text on and get students to underline on the board where each answer is. Elicite reasons from nominated students.

Post-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Different pairs discuss exercise 4. Monitor for error corrections. As a whole class who strongly agrees with Dr Tyagi? Why? Who strongly disagrees? Why? Elicit answers 2 and 3 from a few students and write answers to 3 on the board. Draw a spider diagram on the board and elicit the benefits from the students. Add any other benefits they can think of. Do error corrections if necessary

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