Lesson Plan 6- Suzie Trottier
Upper intermediate B2 level

Main Aims
Practice receptive skills- Listening to provide gist and comprehension of the target language "look expressions"
To provide practice speaking using look expressions.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide clarification of looks expressions in the context of formal and casual clothes \ appearance
Procedure (28-45 minutes)
-place images of formal,semi formal and casual wear on WB -elicit sts for the words formal and casual. -drill the words -write words on board, with phonetic spelling and stress. -discuss how clothes gives the impression on a persons mood and character. Do we judge people according to what they were.
-I will read a story to sts from HO1b -write "Look" on WB -group students into pairs -explain that I will repeat the story but this time I want to them to choose an expressions with the word "look" from HO3 when I pause they must choose the correct verb phrase into gap. ICQ. Do model on the first gap. -read story - I ask an individual sts to read out a look expression answer in full.
- explain to sts that we will listen to a husband and wife that are about to get dressed for a anniversary meal at a restaurant. and she is frustrated with her husband that he doesn't make an effort to dress up for the occasion. -give sts sheet to listen for the answers to exercise 1. check answers as a whole class. -listen again. explain sts to look at that the answer the questions in exercise 2, and listen for the answers. -put students in groups to answer the questions. -have all sts face each other and as as group to give and discuss their answers.
-sts sitting facing each other. -İ read out first sentence in vocabulary exercise 1. Model the meaning. ask sts if they can tell me if it means looks or looking. -ask a sts to read out sentence. and have group decide if it means appearance or eye movemnt
-ask sts to mingle and ask one of the questions in vocabulary exercise 2.