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Teaching Plan 8B
B2 level


In this lesson, students will be learning about geography. They will be taught some vocabulary in relation to geographical terms, with exercises to follow to clarify what they have learned. They will also have reading practise reading in the context of Zheng He's exploration of the world, namely America. They will have exercises to practise their reading with a hint of speaking.


Main Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about globe-trotting in the context of the year 1421, when China discovered America.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of geographical terms relative to, but not limited to globe-trotting in the context of the year 1421, when China discovered America.
  • To provide students with speaking practice in a context about globe-trotting in the year 1421, when China discovered America


Warmer (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher will project a map of the world on the whiteboard with eight spaces to place names of places. There will be a paper list at the side of the board, with eight names of places on; four of which will be mentioned in the reading text later on in the lesson. The other four will be random place names that the students may or may not have heard of, we can't determine the level of their geography knowledge as of yet. Students will be asked to volunteer to place the correct place name in the correct space. After the students have placed the names, teacher will show the answers on the whiteboard and the students will be given an answer key with the names in the right places, which they might find useful for the gist reading task.

Lead-in (3-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students.

Teacher will project 3 questions on the whiteboard, giving students two minutes to discuss. - Do you like geography? - How many famous explorers' names can you remember? - Who discovered America? (Columbus? how can you be sure he was first?) Students will work in pairs and be asked to discuss their answers and reasons behind them. Once the two minutes is up, a minute of WCFB will be used to establish whether the students like geography as a subject, how many famous explorers they can remember and who they think discovered America; and why. I will also elicit the reasons why they think Columbus was the first to discover America.

Vocabulary pre-teaching (4-6 minutes) • To pre-teach students vocabulary that may be troublesome in the reading tasks.

The students will be given a handout with some of the more difficult terminology and the definitions on that they will find in the text later on in the reading section of the lesson. This will be a matching exercise, where the students match the word to the correct definition. They will then check their answers in pairs, followed by WCFB to check the answers as a group.

Gist Reading Exercises (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information relating to reading tasks

Students being given the reading text, they will asked to gist read the text for a minute or two, with the teacher projecting two questions up on the board: - According to this article, who "discovered" america? - Which of these places are mentioned? - The teacher will list the eight names from the warm-up task answer key. Students will then be asked to discuss in pairs who they think discovered America, citing their reasons, and which places are mentioned within the text. WCFB will be used to elicit the correct answers from the students.

In-Depth Reading #1 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

Students will be given a few minutes to read the text alone, with a handout consisting of five questions for them to answer. Students will be asked to discuss in pairs the answers to the questions, writing down their answers. Once the students have discussed and answered the questions, WCFB will be used to elicit the answers and reasons behind the questions. Once WCFB has taken place, an answer key will be handed out for students to keep as reference for their answers.

In-Depth Reading #2 (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

In this stage students will be given a handout with some geographical terminology which is mentioned in the text and the definitions on, but in a random order; effectively another match-game. The students will be asked to read the text again, using it to try and match the terminology to the correct definition. They will work in pairs to be able to work out and discuss their answers and reasons behind them. Once they have had a couple of minutes to work out their answers and reasons with their partners, WCFB will be used to elicit the correct answers from the students. Teacher will show the correct answers on the the whiteboard.

Post-Reading #1 (5-7 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Teacher will project two questions on the whiteboard: - Why do you think this book is so controversial? - Do you know of any other claims about explorers reaching America before Columbus? Students will work in pairs to discuss their answers and reasoning, given a few minutes to elaborate with each other. WCFB will follow this to gain a view of the students opinions on the reading material and whether they have heard of any civilisations finding America before Columbus.

Post-Reading #2 (6-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Students will be given a map identical to the answer key from the warm up stage, albeit without the names of the places on. They will be asked to work in pairs to discuss, plan and plot their own journey around the globe, starting from wherever they want and going to wherever they want. Teacher will show a picture of the map on screen to show the students an example of what they are required to do. Once the students have had a few minutes to discuss their route and plot their course, they will be asked to merge into groups of four to explain their journey to the other pair. Once they have discussed their journeys, WCFB will be used to elicit who has got an interesting journey planned, and whether the class as a whole think it's a trip around the globe worth taking.

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