Present Progressive (future meaning), Marina Şık
Beginners level
Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of the present simple progressive (future meaning) and clarify the difference between Present Simple progressive (for actions that are happening now).
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of the plans for the future.
Procedure (27-40 minutes)
Teacher will ask students whether they have any plans for today or this week and then show some pictures on PPT to give some ideas about possible plans, and try to get some answers.
After students tell about their plans, I will inform them that they are going to listen to two people, who are talking on the phone, and the students know them in real life. Their task after gist listening will be to asnwer these two questions: -What are the names of speakers? -And who are they?
For the second time listening, the teacher sets the task to tell what the speakers are talking about. Students will be naming future plans of the speaker, which is the target language. They will check their answers in pairs.
After students will finish listening to the dialogue, the teacher will ask them to name all the activities (plans) they remember that the speaker had mentioned. The teacher will stick each named activity on the board. After that the teacher will give students the strips of paper to match the activities with the phrases from the dialogue. Next step is checking and if all is correct, the teacher will display the same sentences on the PPT. The teacher will check if students realise that the sentences on the board and those words with phrases that they have just mached are the same. The teacher will ask: -Where did you hear these sentences ? (from listening) -Are these sentences my answers? (Yes) -Am I talking about past? present? future? (Future) -How can we understand that? (Because there are words like: tomorrow, on Wednesday, at the weekend, etc) -Are they my plans? -Yes. -Which tense did I use to describe my plans?- Present SImple Continuous. - Do you remember the form of Present Simple Continuous? (Subject+to be(am/is/are)+Ving. Then the teacher will drill pronunciation and mark the stress on the board on some sentences.
The students will be given an exercise. Their task will be to put the verb in the Present Continuous form. All the sentences have the future meaning. First the students will work alone and then pair check. The teacher will ask one /two students to write the correct answers on the board. Students check and then the teacher will again point out on the Past Simple Cont. tense and it (future meaning).
The teacher will ask and write on the board: ask-(What am I doing now?) write- I'm talking now ask-(What are you doing now?) write- You are listening ask-(What is my plan for today?) (the students will know from listening) write- I'm having lunch with my friend at 1. ask- (What am I doing on Wednesday?) write- I'm going to the cinema on Wednesday. Then the teacher will give students time to talk about the difference between these sentences and then elicit. *Talking about the first two sentences* -When is it happening?-Now - Which tense is it?- Present Simple Continuous. - What's the form? - Subject+to be (am/is/are)+Ving. *Talking about two next sentences* -When is it happening? Now? No? Will it happen in the future? -Yes - Which tense is it? -Present Simple Continuous -What's the form?- Subject+to be (am/is/are)+Ving. -Aha, so can we use Present Perfect Continuous that are happening right now? -Yes -Can we use Present SImple Cont. for our plans?-Yes So the structure is the same just here is the meaning about future. Ok very good.
The teacher will display on the PPT an exercise. There will be 7 sentences, the students will be given cards 1) Present Continuous (plans for future) and 2) Present Continuous (it is happening right now). The students will have to stick each cards near the sentence, up to its meaning. This activity will be followed up by CCQs to make sure the students got the meaning and difference.
The teacher will display a slide with a few pictures. One pciture describes things people are doing right now, and another picture-a girl is planning her week. The students will be divided into 2 groups. Their task will be to describe what these people are doing in a relevant tense.
The teacher will write on the board : I'm going to have lunch. I'm having lunch with my friend at 1. In pairs, the students will talk about the difference. -At what time am I having lunch here? (at 1) - Who am I having lunch with? (with my friend) -Is it exactly? -Yes. I'm 99% sure. -What about the first sentence? -At what time? (No time) -With who am I having lunch? (we don't know) -Is it exactly? (not so exact) I am 60-70% sure. The teacher is showing next slide (it says: we use _______ for exact plans with fixed time and place) and we use______________ for future plans, but we may not be sure about time and place.)
The students will be given a HO. The task will be to correct the mistakes. It will also be displayed on the board. First they do it alone, then peer check and write the correct answers on the board.
The teacher will get students back to back to each other. They will have to make an imaginary phone call to each other and invite their partner somewhere or offer to go out. the ideas will be provided on the board as well)This activity is based on the dialogue students heard in the first part of the lesson. It will help the, to practice the target language in a natural context.