Eda Koç Eda Koç

TP 3
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will learn about "There is /there are" structure through test-teach-test technique in the context of White House. The lesson starts with a warmer in which students will decide where to place the parts of Buckingham Palace. Later on, there is a controlled and a semi controlled activity. It will be followed by a teach stage in which meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language will be clarified. After this stage, students will be doing a semi controlled exercise and finally there will be a freer activity where students will have a chance to practice what they have learned.


Abc W/B
Abc Stickers

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of There is/are in the context of White House
  • To provide review, clarification and practice of There is / There are in the context of White House

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of "Your House".


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows PPP Bukingham Palace. Ask "what is this place?" Elicit "Buckingham Place" "Where is it? " "In England" . T Show another PPP Buckingham Palace plan . T tells Ss to put the rooms in the blanks on the W/B as a group .( If the Ss are more than 5 maybe 2 groups) T gives stickers( rooms are written on them) ICQs here > Are we writing on the board? no What are we doing? putting stickers on the board. Ss check their answers. T gives a written record.

Test #1 (5-5 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

T introduces ex.1 Tell Ss to make sentences about White House. Model the task. ICQsn > Are we making sentences? Yes T gives HOs. Ss peer-check. T monitors and notes any wrong answers to use in" teach " stage. FB> written cards ( 2 sets) Tell Ss go and take the cards from the wall.

Teach (8-9 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

T asks “How many gilrs can you see in this picture? “” "Can you see 2?" No "can you see 5?" Yes Elicit “There are 5 girls”. Drill T shows a picture “Can you see a cinema in this picture?" No "What do you see? Elicit “ a restaurant “ Drill T highligts the form on W/B. Use colorful board markers. T writes “There are 5 girls in the picture." Ask what is “students? “ “ajd/noun/ verb?" Elicit noun . Ask “ students" plural or singular ? Elicit plural write on the W/B: There are + plural noun… T writes “There is a restaurant on the street.“ Ask “what is a restaurant? Adj/noun/ verb? Elicit noun. Elicit Singular. Write on the W/B: There is + singular noun …. Ask "What is the short form form there is ?". Elicit “There’s “ T asks “How may trees can you see in this Picture? Elicit “any” How can I make a negative sentence then? Can I say “ there are any trees?" No Elicit “there arent any trees” . Drill then Write. Highlight the form by eliciting. "Tress >plural or singlular?" Elicit Plural , Adj/noun/verb?Elicit noun There aren’t +plural noun T shows a Picture: "Do you see a cafe in this picture?" No Can I say " there is a cafe in this picture? " How ı can make a negative sentence then? Elicit “ There isnt a cafe in this picture” Drill then Write on the board. "There isn’t a cafe ." Higlight the form ( colorful BM ) T asks “what is the long form for “isnt”? Elicit "Is not." Pronunciation: T asks Ss " How many students are there in this class? Elicit the answer. Ss listen and repeat. "There are seven studentsin this class" T "/where does my voice go up ?" Ss Listen “there are seven students in this class.” Drill T highlights the stresses on a negative and on a question sentence in the same way.

Test #2 (8-9 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and add another aspect to the target language and practice

T introduce ex2. Tell Ss to make questions using the words in the table. T models the task on W/B ICQs here? Are we making sentences? No. Are we making Qs? Yes Ss peer-check. FB>PPP on W/B T introduce ex3. T models the task T tell Ss to ask and answer the question from ex2 ICQs here> Are we writing ?No What are we doing? Asking question. Ss do the tasks in pairs. (change pairs here) T monitors and helps If needed FB> Nominate pairs. .Ss ask and answers to WC.

Extension (5-6 minutes) • To clarify the areas of target language and prepare students for a freer practice.

T shows a picture : what do you see here. elicit "5 girls" T": my aswer is "5 girls" How can I ask the number of the girls? ( ? dont know how I can introduce how many) Elicit "how many girls are there in the picture? Drill Highligh the form W/B “How many….. “ What comes next? Elicit “students “ What is "students" ? "Adj/noun/ Verb? " Elicit Noun. Highlight the form here: howmany +noun….. What comes next? Are there or There are? Elicit"are there" Ask why? Elicit because “students” > plural. What comes after "how many students are there …. " Elicit "in class." Highlight "in".

Freer practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T introduces ex4. Tell Ss to make Qs using "how many". ICQs here. > Are we speaking ? No Are we making questions with How many? yes T. gives HQs ( blank A4 papers . we will use these questions in ex.5) Ss do the task and peer-check. W/C FB T introduce ex.5 Tell Ss to draw a map of their house. Tell Ss Write sentences about your house. T models the task. T shows an exp. "There are 2 bedrooms in my house. There is one living room. there isnt a balcony". etc. ICQ here.> What are you doing? Are you drawing? yes Are writing about my house? No. Are you writing about your house? Yes. Teacher monitors and help if needed. T takes notes of errors for correction after general FB. FB> in small groups Ss talk to each others.

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