Atakan Aydin Atakan Aydin

Emotions, Reading
Intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss will learn about emotions. They will improve their reading skills along with prediction, gist, skimming and scanning for details.


Main Aims

  • To provide reading practice using a text about emotions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a discussion in the context of emotions.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Warm up: The teacher shows some emotions gesturing and miming in a telephone conversation. Telephone conversation, What, No, Noooo (Fear) Telephone conversation, Really, Really, Thank you (Joy) What Do You Think is Today's Topic? EMOTIONS Lead in: How many emotions can you think of? Discuss it in your group and write 3 of them. ICQ: Are you going to discuss about politics? (No) ICQ: How many emotions are you going to write? (3) Assign one student from each group to write their answers on the WB.

Pre-reading/Vocabulary (10-10 minutes) • to pre teach vocabulary from the text

Elicit the following vocabulary. Eyebrow /ˈʌɪbraʊ/ (noun) What am I doing now? (Make up) Which part of my face am I making up. (eyebrow) CCQ: Do you make up your eyebrow? Rotten /ˈrɒt(ə)n/ (adj.) If we leave a boiled egg under the sun for 10 day, what happens? Would you eat it? (No) Why? CCQ: How does rotten meat smell like? T elicits the following vocabulary with a matching activity. (If needed, the following CCQs will be used to go over the meanings. Ss will be asked to use facial expressions, body gestures.) Instruction: Match the words with the pictures. You have 2 minutes for this. FB. The answer key is at the back of the activity sheet. Instruction: T has every group demonstrate their assigned emotions to the other groups in the class by standing up altogether showing the assigned emotions using facial expression and body gestures Fear: CCQ: Show an expression of fear? Anger: CCQ: How can you show anger? CCQ: What makes you angry? Distress: CCQ: How can you show Distress? CCQ: In which situation do you feel distress? Joy: CCQ: How can you show Joy? CCQ: What brings us joy? Sunny Weather? Surprise: How can you show Surprise? CCQ What surprises you? Disgust: CCQ: How can you show Disgust? CCQ: What disgusts you?

While reading #1 (6-8 minutes) • to prepare students for the text

Instruction 1 : Match the pictures with the definitions by yourself. ICQ: Are you going to work with your partner. (No) Instruction 2 : Discuss your answers with your partners. Nominate a student from each pair to give the answer. Did anybody think of a different answer? FB: The answer key is on the back of the activity sheet.

While reading #2 (7-7 minutes) • To enable students to practise reading for specific information about the context

Instruction: Read the text and answer the following questions: You have 6 minutes. - What is the most basic emotion? Fear - What emotion do we use to deal with a problem? Anger - What emotion does result in tears? Distress - What emotion is a great motivator? Joy - When do we raise our eyebrows and open our eyes wider? Surprise - What emotion protects us? Disgust FB: Nominate a student from each pair to get the answers. Did anybody come up with another answer? FB: The answer key is on the back of the work sheet.

Post-Reading/Listening (10-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Instruction: Give each pair an emotion and ask them to talk about it with their partner. (Plan this activity on the spot considering the number of students turn up) Listen to your partner carefully and take notes. ICQ: Are you going to take notes? Instruction2: Now, stop. Time is up. Switch your partners and talk about the experience about your first partner with your new partner. Don't say the emotion. Can you guess the emotion your partner talks about? -Do a demo if needed (I am a high tempered person. When I am driving...) Fear Anger Distress Joy Surprise Disgust

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