Cigdem KILIC Cigdem KILIC



This lesson, students will learn to practice the prepositions within the context of house-swap.


Main Aims

  • To provide Ss with clarification/review and practice of prepositions of place in the context of houseswaps

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice in accuracy in speaking for fluency. To give practice in prepositions.


Warmer/Lead-in (8-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The lesson will begin with a box and a ball being placed in the middle of the classroom. I will say this is a ball and this is a box. I will put the ball in the box and ask where the ball is - They will say 'in' the box. I will put the ball in-front of the box and ask where the ball is - They will say 'in-front' of the box. I will put the ball on the box and ask where the ball is - They will say 'on' the box. I will put the ball at the back of the class and ask where the ball is - They will say 'at' the back of the class. I will place the ball behind the box and ask where the ball is - They will say 'behind' the box. I will put the ball next to the box and ask where the ball is - They will say 'next' to the box. I will put the ball close to the wall and ask where the ball is - They will say 'close' to the wall. I will put the ball opposite to a pen and ask where the ball is - They will say 'opposite' the pen. I they can not utter opposite, I will elicit the meaning and draw 2 faces facing eachother. While getting feedback from the class room, write the preposition words and the nouns used on the board. IN ON AT CLOSE TO NEXT BEHIND IN FRONT OF OPPOSITE.

Exposure (5-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Task before TEXT, so give instructions first and then the text. Ask Ss to look back at pg 32 and ask Ss to underline all the prepositions and the nouns that follow them. ELICIT UNDERLINE BY DRAWING A LINE UNDER A WORD ON BOARD) Ask ICQ's to check understanding. - Do you write the prepositions? (no, underline) - Do you cross out the prepositions? (no, underline). Once you monitor that they are done, ask the class to check their answers with their peers. After they check with peers, ask for feed back, correct incorrect answers.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

WRITE THE PREPOSITIONS CLEARLY on the board: IN ON IN TO IN ON IN FROM Ask students to complete the text, Ex 2. by looking at the prepositions on the board. Ask ICQ's to make sure instruction is understood: Do we put a cross in the text? NO Do we complete the text with prepositions? YES. After they complete the text individually, ask them to check with peers. (monitor while checking answers) Then nominate Ss to give correct answers and correct if necessary.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Allocate Ss partners from the classroom. Give out separate pieces of papers to each student. Ask them to look at ex 3 and complete the information about their pairs on the piece of papers. Hand the papers out and ask, ICQ'S: Do we match the words? NO Do you ask your partners? YES Once they are finished collect the papers. Ss read out the papers and their partners try and guess who the person is. Ask S to read and ask the partner to guess who this person is. ELICIT THE WORD GUESS by PUTTING A BIG Q MARK ON BOARD. Shuffle the papers and give them out to each one of them and help(feedback) Ss guess.

Free Practice (5-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

I will get students to remember words below and DRILL: BIG SMALL NEW OLD LOVELY HORRIBLE NOISY QUIET Ask students to describe their own house. Give and example: My house is old but lovely. ICQ: Do we draw the house? NO Do we describe our house? YES They will have 4 minutes to do this ex. Ask Ss to stand up. and walk to 3 other Ss to find out about their home. (monitor and correct while Ss are walking around and take notes of errors and correct on board). Ask them to choose a house that they are interested in. Ask Ss to sit down, and ask INDIVIDUALLY ABOUT THEIR NEW HOME. Is your new home close to the city? Is your new home old? Is your new home an apartment or a house?

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