Yasemin Salem Yasemin Salem

Teaching Practice 6 - Holidays
A1 - Beginners level


In this lesson, the students will practice their listening skills, both for gist and detail in the context of holidays. The main aim of the lesson is listening where they will listen to people talk about four locations and the Ss will pick up on the language and vocabulary that they have used. The sub aim of the lesson is vocabulary. I will exploit the sub aim further by adapting activities to the context of this lesson


Abc Lexis - fill in the blanks
Hkmdn8wtielr9jtr3be6 warmer   holidays PPT

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about four different locations in the context of holidays.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of travel and activity words in the context of holidays.


Warmer/Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • Introduce the Ss to the context of holidays

For my warmer, I will show the class a presentation of a holiday I had recently gone to. I incorporated a lot of the vocabulary that the students will be leaning today as well as the language such as (walking, swimming, go to the vs go to, etc..) I will as the students what sort of things they like to do on holidays.

Focus on Vocabulary (5-8 minutes) • Introduce the Ss to holiday lexis.

I will elicit the a few of the vocabulary words from the students by asking them what they do when they go on holiday. Some expected answers are: shopping, swimming, going to restaurants, walking etc. As they say the words, I will put up a picture of the activity. I will then put up the remaining pictures of the vocabulary lexis and ask the students if they know what these activities are: art gallaries, museums, club/disgo, sightseeing, camping and skiiing. I will give the students an activity where they will divide the vocabulary in two and ask the students which of these are places you 'go to': museums, galleries, club/disco, restaurant And which are things you can do 'go': sightseeing, swimming, camping, skiing, walking, I will elicit from the students what does the 'can do' column items have in common: -ing. I will also elicit how I would word the sentences if I wanted to say them in the past tense. CQ's: Do you go to swimming? No Do you go to walking? no. Do you go to a restaurant? yes. Do you go to the beach? yes. I will then give the students a controlled fill in the blank exercise where they will fill in the correct activity.

Pre-Listening (2-3 minutes) • To prepare students for listening by familiarising with the material.

Exercise 2a. I will draw the students' attention to the four pictures. I will ask the students to in pairs discuss where these places are and what they can do there. I will have them use the vocabulary that they had learnt.

Listen for Gist (4-6 minutes) • To have the Ss complete a gist listening activity.

I will have the students listen to the audio and answer two questions: 1. Which place is it? 2. What did they do there? They may have to listen to the audio more than once. This will be followed by peer checking and then whole class feedback.

Listen for Detail (4-8 minutes) • To get the students to focus to the details of the audio examples and complete an exercise.

Exercise 2.c of the student book: I will first have the students read the sentences in order to familiarise themselves with the material so that they know what to listen for. While listening to the audio, they will then match the sentences with the place. The audio will probably need to be listened to more than once.

Semi Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To have the students use the target language in receptive skills (speaking) activities.

The students, working in pairs, will complete an exercise where they will be presented with different locations. They will pick one, not tell their partner where it is and describe it. Their partner would than guess where it is. During the monitoring phase, I will write down some common mistakes that the students are making to go over during the feedback stage.

Freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • To have the students personalize with the lesson and practice their productive skill of speaking..

I will demonstrate a model of the activity to the students where I have written a post card to someone. I will then have the students write their own postcard of a holiday that they had gone to before. They will discuss: what type of transportation they used to get there, where was it, whom did they go with and what did they do there. I will then collect the postcards and hang them up at the front of the room. The students will then read the cards and try to guess who's is who's. This will be followed by whole class feedback.

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