Katie Sullivan Erul Katie Sullivan Erul

Teaching Practice 5
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students get practice reading for gist and for detail and speaking for fluency in the context of celebrities in politics. The lesson starts with a lead-in activity about celebrities in politics, followed by a reading about Arnold Schwarzenegger and a post-reading discussion about the future of his career as a politician after a divorce.


Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about Arnold Schwarzenegger in the context of celebrities and politics

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in conversation and debate in the context of celebrities in politics


Warmer/Lead-in (7-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will start by "counting off" and dividing class into Group A and Group B. T will give instructions: "We're going to read a short extract from an article about Lady Gaga. Group A will get one extract (show), and Group B will get a different extract (show). Read the title, carefully, and read your extract. Think about the writer's opinion." T distributes HO (Group A raise hands, distribute version A; Group B raise hands, distribute version B.) Ss read for a minute (or more if Ss need help finding key words.) T asks students to stop reading, and continues instructions: "What question does the writer ask in the title?" -Should celebrities stay out of politics? "Now, discuss with your partner these 3 questions: What do you think is the author's opinion on this topic? (Remember, you have different extracts from the same article.) Do celebrities in Turkey get involved in politics? What is your own opinion about celebrities in politics? (Project questions on the board for Ss reference while they discuss.) 1: What do you think is the author's opinion about celebrities in politics? 2: Do any celebrities in Turkey get involved in politics? 3: What is your own opinion about celebrities in politics? Ss will discuss in pairs their ideas about the article. Give about 3 minutes. Elicit feedback from a few students.

Pre-Reading (5-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T elicits context prediction from Ss: "What do you think today's lesson will be about?" (Hopefully someone will mention celebrities and/or politics, if not, offer "celebrities" and try to elicit "politics.") T will project a picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger on the WB. Ask Ss who he is. (I think most people will know) Teacher writes these words under the projected picture of Arnold: Family; Education; Sports; Films; Politics; Future Plans. T gives instructions: "Work in pairs and discuss what you know about Arnold Schwarzenegger. Specifically, what do you know about these topics on the board?" Ss will work in pairs and discuss for 2-3 minutes what they know about Arnold Schwarzenegger, using the topics on the board. Adjust time based on monitoring. T will elicit some examples from Ss.

While-Reading #1 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks

T gives instructions for Reading Task 1: "Now we're going to read a story about Arnold Schwarzenegger. While you read, try to find which of these topics are mentioned in the story. You'll have about 3 minutes." ICQs: Should you read carefully or quickly? -Quickly. Should you use a dictionary? -No, it's more important to get the general idea. Teacher distributes reading handout face down. Students read for 3 minutes. Teacher monitors. After reading, students check in pairs for 1 minute. Teacher monitors. Teacher elicits answers from students, checking off on the board as each topic comes up. If a student suggests "Education," ask "what do we know about his education?" (because it's not actually mentioned. NOTE: the teacher's book says "future plans" aren't mentioned either, but I don't agree)

While-Reading #2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with a more challenging detailed reading task

T will give instructions for Reading task 2: "Now that we have an idea of the topics in the story, we're going to take a closer look. Here is a list (Show handouts) of 7 events from Arnold Schwarzenegger's life. But, they're all out of order. Your going to put Arnold's life events in order. It will help if you write the years next to each event first. Later, number them in order from 1 to 7." ICQ: Should you find the order that each event is mentioned in the article, or the order that they happened in his life? -His life. "Work individually first." T gives out handouts. S re-read and put events in order. (4-5 minutes, depending on monitoring) Ss work in pairs for an additional 1-2 minutes to compare answers. T projects answers on board in order. Ss check their answers. T elicits the exact years from students, and the language that provides information relative to other years, to confirm understanding.

Post-Reading (6-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T asks Ss: "The reading mentions someone who was important in Arnold's political career. Do you remember who that was?" -His wife/Maria Shriver. (If no one answers, add "Some people say this person is the reason Arnold had a career in politics.") T projects article headline about Maria Shriver filing for divorce from Arnold. Ss take a few seconds to look it over. T asks "According to this headline, what happened after our reading passage was written?" -Maria filed for divorce. Under image on WB: Does this affect Arnold's chances of continuing his career in politics? Why? How would divorce affect a politician here in Turkey? T says: "In pairs, discuss these questions with your partner." Ss take 2-4 minutes, depending on monitoring, to discuss. IF THERE IS EXTRA TIME: Pair up pairs to make groups of 4. Students will discuss in groups for another 2-3 minutes. Elicit ideas from students in whole-class feedback.

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