TP5 Nigel Crowe
Main Aims
To provide scan and detailed reading practice using a text about celebrities and their pets
Subsidiary Aims
To provide clarification and practice of names of animals commonly kept as pets in the context of Celebrity pets
Procedure (35-48 minutes)
Have this question on WB as students come in: Why do people have pets? Start: Give 2 min of prep in pairs. Provide any stimulus that seems to be required but stick to 2 min. Attention to WB. Project pictures of celebrities with pets onto WB. Write key names/animals on WB. 2 more min. One reason from each pair (up to the point that it becomes dull)
Show 'pet silhouettes' sheet to class. Illustrate first example - they all know 'cat'. one minute Check that students understand task: Will you work in pairs? Will you talk? Will you write the names of the animals? Do you have 5 minutes? Distribute sheets. After 1 minute, check with partner. Talk about any unfamiliar words/animals. Monitor conversations, may write issues on WB for feedback. Drill vocabulary issues that arise. Try to avoid issues that are not causing problems with expression or that will not lead to reading problems. Who has a pet? Any of these? Keep it short unless anyone has a really interesting pet. If they have, keep it running as long as it holds attention.
Project Mike Tyson and tiger onto WB Do most people have pets like this? Short intro: this article is about celebrities and pets. You have 2 minutes. On your own. Underline the names of celebrities. Model underlining of 'Mike Tyson'. ICQs Will you work in pairs? How long have you got? Do you underline the animals? After 2 min: check in pairs. Show answers. Deal briefly with discussions about who celebrities are. Try and keep it to student interaction in English. Cut it short when it fails to keep attention. Answers on WB at some stage.
Introduce detail reading: emphasise that students don't need to write anything, simply tick the statements that are correct. 5 minutes. ICQs (while distributing face-down question sheets) Do you have to write? How long do you have? Do you need to underline sentences? Can you talk? Will you read in pairs? Try and have 5 min of silence. If concentration lapsing, try reminding. When majority appear to have finished, send to pairs to check answers, then groups of 4. Check answers on WB. Manage any resulting discussion towards the question: Are people in Turkey crazy about animals? In groups of 4, then one sentence from each group (or until it gets tedious).
Either/and/or: 1. Give pictures of 4 people. Which pet would be best for each of them? Why? 3 minutes in pairs. ICQs Do you have to write reasons? Does everyone in the group need to agree? Do you need a reason? Discussion in English as much as possible until concentration starts going in one or two pairs. Move to groups of 4. Move to half of class. Project faces onto WB - take each half of class's answers. Try to reach class agreement. 2. Show picture of cute monkey on WB. Your friend has a pet monkey. She is going to live in Australia and can't take it with her. She wants to give it to you. Will you take it? In pairs. Similar ICQs to above. Go to 4, then 2 halves of class. Try to reach class agreement.