Teaching Plan 4b
A2 level



Main Aims
To provide students with grammar practice for gist and detail in the context of predicting the future and space tourism.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide students with spoken practice in relation to grammar in the context of predicting the future and space tourism.
Procedure (39-51 minutes)
Teacher will give a brief introduction to the students to link the previous part of the lesson regarding the future to the rest of this lesson about space tourism. Teacher will begin by asking students how their life will be different in one year's time and in ten year's time in the four terms of appearance, home life, money and work. Teacher will write these two questions and four terms up on the white board, telling students to work in pairs to discuss their answers. Once the students have discussed their answers, WCFB will be used to see how students believe their life will be, comparing from one another.
Teacher will give students handout with the terms maybe, perhaps, possibly, probably, certainly & definitely with a small graph for the students to plot where they think the terms belong. Students will be asked to work in pairs to figure out where they they think the words belong on the graph. Using an example of three of the model sentences on the board to aid students in their decision making. Once students have had a couple of minutes to discuss and write down their answers, WCFB will be used to check answers, with any questions from the students being answered.
Teacher will play audio clip relating to space tourism. Once students have listened to the clip they will be given a transcript of the conversation. Working in pairs, they will be asked to use the graph from the previous exercise to highlight the terms that come up in the transcript, with the intention the students will find the model sentences. WCFB will follow this activity to establish the correct answers from the students, with the teacher asking some students to read out the answers they have, so we can compare to the rest of the class.
Teacher will give students a handout with six jumbled sentences and keywords on, with them working in small groups to rearrange the sentences in the correct order. The students will also have to add the key terms into the sentences, which will aid in their understanding of the use of each term. WCFB will be used to discuss the correct answers, asking students whether they agree with the statements or not; giving reasons for each one.
Teacher will ask the whole class a few questions relating to the future, explaining that they have to use one of the four terms definitely, probably, possibly and definitely not in the answer. They will discuss their answers in pairs, with this exercise based purely on discussion. This will promote their thinking and use of each term in a real sense. As it will be done in a whole class setting, error correction can be done on the spot, guiding the students into using the terms correctly; aiding in their understanding and use of the terms.
Teacher will show a picture of a friend of his, giving reasons why he would be a good candidate to go into space as a tourist; describing their personality, practical skills, appearance and health and any other reasons why they think he would be a good candidate. Teacher will then ask students to work individually, to think of anybody they know that would make a good space tourist, asking them to write down the reasons for the four categories shown. Then, students will work in groups to discuss their answers and reasons behind their choices. Once the students have had a brief discussion about their choices, they will nominate one person from each group to explain the best choice for space tourism. WCFB will be used for the nominated student from each group to explain the reasons behind each choice.