TP4: Vocabulary - I verb noun / I don't verb noun
Beginner A1 level
Main Aims
To provide key vocabulary for describing one's interests to others (speak, watch, go, listen, read, play).
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency in student's verbal descriptions of themselves.
Procedure (40-50 minutes)
T shows Instagram site on board. Elicits key words from students using pictures as stimuli. Words written down rhs of board. Instruction: Set pairs 'Write three (gesture 'or more') sentences about Caroline'. 3 minutes. Give sheet with 5 sentence beginnings. ICQs Do you have 10 minutes? Do you write 5 sentences? About you? How long? Ask for one sentence from each pair.
Play sound clip 1:60. Teacher writes 'speak, watch, go, listen, read, play' on board as the words appear. Instruction: 'Listen' Give out 'Andre' sheet. (English Unlimited Starter Coursebook p13) Pairs... 'Write the verb in the right place.' Indicate with gestures. '2 minutes' Select students to match verb and object verbally. T 'Part b' 'What does Andre say?' Play clip 1:60 again. 'What does Andre say?' Say '2 minutes' but allow discussion to continue. Students volunteer to say sentences. Avoid putting students on the spot.
Give one paper with sentence parts to each student. Words make sentences when combined. Some have 2 sections (I speak x English), the ones with 'listen' and 'go' have 3 sections - they include 'to'. This caters to an odd or an even number of students. T Instructions: 'Stand up' Gesture 'come forward' 'Find the words that make a sentence' Clean whiteboard while students are doing this. Cue sound clip 1:61. 'Stick your sentence on the board.' show sticky tack Sit in your new pair (or group). Arrange sentences clearly on board. Drill sentences. Concentrate on pronunciation of 'Listen', 'Watch' but ensure correct pronunciation of all. Refer to phonemic symbols, especially in 'listen' and 'watch'. Play sound clip 1:61. Drill students with new words, paying particular attention to stress. Concentrate on words that are similar in Turkish: football, basketball, radio - where pronunciation is different. In new pairs: Show exercise 2 b. T instruction: Which verb (show verbs on board) goes with football? '3 minutes.' Feedback: T instruction: Say a sentence with 'football'. Choose student.
Speed Dating. Introduce 'speed dating' with Youtube clip. Play from start to 25sec. A few seconds after 2:00 to show time limit and changeover. Model sentences to say. Introduce the idea of questions? 'Do you play football?' 'Do you listen to music?' T asks students to stand: Draw desks in line. One chair each side. Ask students to move them. Start process. Play music. T makes changeover whenever students seem to be losing impetus. Be ready to model questions and answers in pairs.
Pair work. Stay in pairs formed in last speed-dating interaction. Distribute 'Conchita in Mexico'. T models first sentence. 'I go to university (show 'go' and 'to university' on sheet. Cross out) in Tampico. It's a big town in Mexico, about 200 km from Mexico City.' Family. 'I have...' wait until suggestions... '4 minutes'. Display answers on board. Students volunteer to say answers.