Ivana Popov Ivana Popov

Past simple: positive (regular and irregular verbs) - Listening
Beginner, Level A1 level


In this lesson students will learn to recognise and use the Past Simple, namely regular and irregular verbs in their positive form, in the context of a children's story about a journey. The lesson will follow a Test Teach Test format, with the teacher testing the student's knowledge of the Past Simple with a Dictogloss activity which will be broken up into various stages to consolidate meaning and give listening practice. The first Dictogloss will be followed by a number of controlled activities, to go over grammar points. After teaching of Past Simple regular and irregular verbs in their positive form, the teacher will test the students by running a second Dictogloss activity, again broken up into various stages to consolidate meaning and practice listening. The main text will be a children's story about a journey which will be read to the students orally and also presented to them in written form. The story will be broken into two parts, the first part used for the first Test stage and the second part used for the second Test stage.


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Main Aims

  • For students to learn to recognise and use the Past Simple, namely regular and irregular verbs in their positive form, in the context of a children's story about a journey.

Subsidiary Aims

  • For students to practice listening skills, both for gist, and detail, and for identification and familiarisation of Past Simple.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Opening questions: - Do you have children? - Did you ever read stories to your children? - When did you read to your children? - Do you read to them now? On WB write: - I read to my children. - When they were young. - They listened. (I will go back to this later.) Now, in groups, look at the images... (seemingly random images stuck to left of WB) Imagine your children have asked you to tell them a story, but you don't have a book. All you have are these images... Come up with a story - don't worry about getting the words right - be as crazy as you like! - just make sure you use the images in your story... - WC FB through individual nomination of one s. from each group. Ss. have to listen to each other and retell the other group's story to the class.

Test #1 (8-10 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

DICTOGLOSS 1 - Tell ss. that I am going to read them a children's story... - Ss. divided into 2/3 groups - storng ss. spread evenly. - Listening 1: Live listening - children's story - a 'journey' (WB). Ss. answer 2 questions: Who are the main characters in the story? Where do they go first? (Qs on WB) Ss. are also given a set of the images that are on WB and have to put them in order as they listen to story, based on the order of the story. Demo. Ss. get up and compare order of images against other group's. WC FB of gist listening questions through individual nomination. - Listening 2: Same live listening - ss. write down IMPORTANT WORDS. Demo WB. Check ss. answers quietly to see if they need to listen to the story a third time. - Listening 3 (if needed) - ss. write down even more information - IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Demo WB. - Ss. work in group to re-write story, as best as they can - don't worry about spelling or grammar or order of words - just try to get the same meaning as mine. - Give ss. original text to compare with their own. Give them time to read it.

Teach (10-15 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

- HAVE ANY OF THE SS USED PAST SIMPLE? - If yes, ask why they have used Past Simple/this form of verb. Use examples of Past Simple from their text to show form on WB - if they have tried and made errors then use examples and correct on WB. - CLARIFY: When was the story set? Elicit that it is set in the past. - Do we know when? - Do we know how long for? - Point to time expressions: Once, for days and days... - Give ss. another version of text, with all the Past Simple verbs in their base form. - Ss. work individually to circle the words - the verbs - that have changed. Model on WB w. large model text. - What do you notice? - Elicit some of the correct Past Simple endings from ss. - Can they notice any patterns? WB model a few. Point out regular verbs and irregular verbs. - Give ss. table to fill in as a group. Ss. work in groups to write present simple form and past simple form of circled words from main text in table, and then decide if they are regular or irregular based on HOW they have changed. Model on WB with large version of table - demo. - T. pairs ss. with someone from other group to check each other's tables. Any differences? Any words you don't understand? - Individual Live-Listening Exercise - PRESENT/PAST FORM - TRUE/FALSE - Give ss. HOs and model w. large version. - Ss. check answers with answer key. - Go over original sentences on WB (from Lead In) - nominate individuals to give base form of verbs. - Teach some more regular and irregular verbs in Past Simple, taken from the second half of the children's story, that will form the basis of DICTOGLOSS 2 (Test #2).

Test #2 (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

DICTOGLOSS 2 Same process but with second half of children's story.

Free practice (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Set students free practice - to tell the end of story. Ss. work in groups. Some image stimulus on WB - Nominate individual s. to share story with class - s. from other group has to retell story and visa versa.

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