didar shwani didar shwani

Teaching Practice 5b
Intermediate B1 level


In this lesson the students will learn about ditransitive verbs ( a verb which can be followed by two objects) in the context of The Olympic dreams through MFP, and controlled activities. Finally giving the students the opportunity to practice their speaking skill to produce accurate sentences in a communicative activity.


Abc Find the gramatical terminologies for the definitions
Abc Rewrite the sentences
Abc Tapescript
Abc Whiteboard
Abc Rearrange the sentances
Abc Answer the questions for you

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice on verbs with two objects ( ditransitive verbs), and their positions in active and passive sentences in the context of An Olympic gymnast calls fore a divorce.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice on productive skills in speaking for fluency and accuracy.


Meaning of direct and in direct object ( Eliciting) (4-5 minutes) • To provide clear understanding of TL ( direct and indirect objects)

Elicit: the meaning of direct and indirect objects: write on the w/b this model sentence: I sent my father a letter. Then hand out the cut ups , ask the students to look at the model and name the grammatical terminologies for each definitions ,( 2min). (solo and then check with your partner) Feedback: hand out answer key.

Form : stage one ( clarification and controlled parctice) (10-14 minutes) • To provide clarification on grammar of direct and indirect objects . Controlled practice (GW)

1-Ask the students: discuss with your group, what have you noticed in the model sentence )( I sent my father a letter). ( GW ) Elicit the answer , if they couldn't , then you give them the answer.( The verb has two objects). 2- Ask the students if they can rewrite the model and change the position of the tow objects I sent my father a letter. Subject + verb+ IO + DO. Students to work in groups. Elicit the answer and write it on the board and explain the from. (I sent a letter to my father) Subject + verb + DO+ preposition "to" + IO. ( explain : if we put the IO last, we use a preposition (usually to or for), followed by another model. Model: His parents bought a tennis racket for him. ( IO is last) His parents bought him a tennis racket. ( DO is last). ( IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THE STUDENTS CAN DIFERNCIATE BETWEEN THE TWO OBJECTS)( always ask the students to identify the objects). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Students to do EX 1 SB p 109 ( Rewrite the sentences ) Work in groups. Monitor the students, move the early finishers to work with other students. Ask early finishers to write the answers on the wb.

Form: stage two: Clarification and controlled parctice ( GW) (8-10 minutes) • To provide clarification for direct and indirect objects in passive sentences

Write on the w/b Her dad thought her the basics of the game at a very early age.( aske the students : what kind of voice this model is? ( passive or active) Explain: Not that in passive sentences both the DO and IO can become the subject of the sentence. ( ask the students to form the passive for the model given ) write the answer on the wb: Passive 1; IO as the subject she was taught the basics of the game at a very young age by her dad. Passive 2: DO as the subject The basics of the game were taught to her at a very early age by her father. Give each student a copy of EX 2 SB p 109. ( GW ) ( Rearrange the words to make sentences) Monitor the students, check for early finishers. Feedback from the students : write the sentence on the WB.

Scanning (6-8 minutes) • To familiarize the students with other ditransitive vebs ( verbs with two objects) ( TL), through scaning the tapescript

ICQ: ask the students if they know other verbs that can take two objects. Elicit and give each student the HO ( some common verbs with two objects ). Give each students a copy of the typescript SB ,2.27 151 and 152. (GW) ask them to scan the text and underline the TL. - Monitor the students , and ask early finishers to write the TL on the wb in full sentence.

Practice ( pair work ) (6-8 minutes) • To provide the opportunity for the students to practic their speaking skill for acuuracy

Pair the students : Students to take turns asking and answering questions in EX 3 p 109 SB Give each student a copy of the Ex. Monitor the students to make sure that they use the target language accurately . ask them to interact with other students in the class.

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