Ebrahim Keighobadi Ebrahim Keighobadi

Teaching Practice 6
B2 level


In this lesson students learn the functions for substituting lists through some examples from the listening task. Then they will practice this function by talking about money.


Abc Listening hand-out
Abc Power Point Slide
Abc Language focus hand-out
Abc Audio Tracks 2.15 - 2.20
Abc Speaking hand-out

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for substituting lists in the context of money

Subsidiary Aims

  • To expose students to English spoken with a variety of accents and practice gist listening


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set the context of the lesson and engage students

T writes money in the center of the board and asks if there's anyone in the class who doesn't like money. Then T asks SS to brainstorm any word or expression associated with money. In FB, T writes SS' ideas on the board and asks a few SS to justify their choices.

Listening for gist (6-8 minutes) • To expose students to English spoken with a variety of accents and get a gist of what each speaker talks about

T tells SS that they are going to listen to some people describing how their parents taught them about money. T projects the related section of the listening task on the board and asks some ICQs: - How many speakers are there? 6 - How many topics are there? 4 - What should you do? Listen and write the number of topic in front of each person who talks about it. T explains that each speaker talks about 1 topic, and each topic may be mentioned by more than 1 person. T gives SS the handout to look at the list of topics and the names of people. T plays the audio tracks. SS listen and do the task. SS compare their answers in pairs. T shows the answers on PPT and asks SS if they disagree with any of the answers and asks other SS to justify the answers.

Language Focus - meaning and function (4-6 minutes) • To raise students' awareness of the language used in the listening for substituting lists

T chests the language focus hand-out and asks SS to fold it and just look at exercise 1. T asks SS to read examples of the expressions used by the speakers and answer the question in part 1 with a partner. T gives SS the HO. SS read the example sentences and discuss the question in pairs. T gets WC FB and asks CCQs: Do they refer to specific or unspecific items? Unspecific Are they used in spoken or written English? Spoken What’s their place in a sentence? After a list of items Are they formal or informal? Informal

Language Focus - Form and Phonology (3-5 minutes) • To elicit other ways of substituting lists and elaborating connected speech

T asks SS to unfold the paper so that they can only see exercise 1 and 2. SS should read the phrases in part 2 and decide which of them can be used to refer to unspecific items. SS do the task and compare their answers in pairs. T gets WC FB and shows the correct ones on PPT and elicits connected speech used in some of them.

Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To practice the target language in a meaningful way

T asks SS to unfold the HO again, so that they can see exercise 3. T asks the students in the front row to turn their faces and pair up with a student behind them and talk about the topics, using the phrases from exercise 2. T monitors SS and helps them with vocabulary if necessary. In FB, T asks SS to turn back and work with the student next to them and report what they learned about their previous partner.

Speaking (8-10 minutes) • To have a freer fluency practice of talking about the context of the lesson

T tells SS that they are going to tell a story similar to the people in the listening task. T asks SS to unfold the last part of their HO and asks them to read the questions alone and take some notes about each one. ICQs: - Are you going to write or speak? Write - Are you going to write full sentences or just take notes? Take notes SS work individually and take notes of their answers in 2 minutes. T monitors and helps with vocabulary and makes sure they don't write full sentences. T puts SS into new pairs, using a line-up activity. Then they work in pairs and tell each other their stories. T monitors and collects some of their good examples of the TL as well as their mistakes. In FB, T admires SS who had good examples of the TL and does peer correction on other SS' errors.

Freer Speaking Activity (8-10 minutes) • To provide a situation within the context of the lesson to speak fluently

T asks SS to work in pairs and make a list of things that teenagers spend their money on and another list of the things which they should spend their money on. They should write 3 things in each list. ICQs: - Do you work in pairs or alone? In pairs - Do you speak or write? First speak, then make a list of your ideas. - How many lists do you make in each pair? 2 - How many things are there in each list? 3 - What is each list about? 1 is about what teenagers spend their money on and 1 about what they should spend their money on. SS work in pairs and discuss the questions. T monitors them and makes sure they are making lists in each pair. SS compare their lists with another pair to give their opinions and then agree on which 3 things are the most important in their 'should' lists. They have to argue with and persuade each other that they are right. Afterwards they are put in groups of 8 where SS repeat the same discussion, trying to agree on the same three things in their 'should' lists. If there is time, this continues with the whole class and teacher gets a WC FB.

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