Elementary level

Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of past simple to be in the context of reading text
To provide clarification and practice of was were in the context of probable daily issues.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency in terms of speaking practice in a conversation about celebrities who passed away.
Procedure (37-48 minutes)
Teacher greets the students, then T compares Ankara's and Karabük's weather. In the previous lesson, sts talked about weather and vocabulary about weather conditions. T tells today it is ''.....'' . It was cloudy and rainy in Karabuk yesterday. What was the weather like in Ankara yesterday? Ss answer the question. I was at university, I was with my students. Where were you yesterday? Ss replies. T divides the board and writes two different dates on the board, she writes on the left ''01.04.2016 - Today'' and she writes on the right ''09.04.2016 - Last week''. Then T shows some pictures and puts them on the board by asking students and getting their answers. Students will see the difference between present and past. Teacher asks : ''Where am I now? Ankara or Karabük?'' Sts answer and so where should I put this photo? After their response, she puts the picture on the board. '' Where was I?'' sts: Karabuk, put pictures in the right place.
Teacher shows the material and tells the ss to read quickly for scanning.T demonstrate scanning and ask ICQs. Do you try to understand every word? No. Do you use dictionaries? No. Do you read for specific information? Yes. Teacher shows questions in the handout ''How many students are in the classroom usually?'' ''How many students were in the classroom on Monday?'' ''Was he in the classroom on Monday?'' Is he in classroom today?'' ''Was it cold yesterday?'' The teacher tells the students only to find of these answers. They have 3 mins. T gives handouts and Teacher asks the questions that are written on the board and sts answer. Then teacher gives some pictures and tells match the sentences with the pictures with your partner. T monitors students and she divides the board into two and writes Monday- Yesterday and Tuesday- Today. After they finished matching , the teacher says : ''Come to the board and put them on Monday or Tuesday column and write the sentence under the picture.'' to draw attention to the target language, sts will see the difference between simple present and simple past tense.
Sts put pictures and wrote sentences on the board in the previous stage. T asks some questions about pictures. Am I in Karabük? No. I was in Karabük yesterday. Teacher underlines the structure. Then she writes '' I _____ in Ankara yesterday'' next to the underlined sentence.(I was in Karabük.) To check students knowledge , and clarify the negative form. Teacher asks questions about the other pictures to clarify the meaning and draws a timeline to show the difference. Then teacher does some drills and finger highlighting. Questions and sentences are weak forms. Short answers are strong forms. T starts to play denying game with the students to make some more drills. Tell students to say no to every sentence.T demonstrates the game with a strong student Ask students: T: '' You were in the classroom.'' s: '' I wasn't. T: '' You were ill yesterday'' s: I wasn't T: '' They were in the classroom.'' s: They weren't. T: '' She was ill yesterday.'' s: She wasn't.
T shows the material and tells you have 3 mins , fiil in the blanks , work alone. T gives handouts to students. Sts will fill in the blanks with the target language. To understands students knowledge. Then sts peer check their answers and teacher get the answers by nominating the students.
Students ask questions to each other . Teacher asks the questions to the strongest students to clarify the exercise. Where were you born? I was born in .... When were you born? Were you a nice child or a naughty child? Were you a good student or a bad student? Where were you yesterday?
T gives some pictures , sts see some famous people and make sentences about the celebrity. His/her partner tries to guess who the celebrity is. Demonstrate the activity with a student before beginning.