Beginners,A1 level

Main Aims
Main Aims • To provide clarification, review and practice of the usage of a noun or verb+ing after the feeling verbs love, like, don't like and hate in the contexts of the things we like and we don't like
Subsidiary Aims
• To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice using the TL to show the degree of their interest.
Procedure (40-53 minutes)
T will set the context of feeling verbs by sticking the Facebook icon on the board and elicits the other verbs icons: LIKE, Dislike(Unlike/ Don’t like ), Love and Hate . T will say that she Likes FACEBOOK, because she can see her friends there and like their pictures, and she also will ask some questions to warm them up and set the context and engage the students to reply.T will set them in a group to talk about these questions as much as they can just for 1 min CCQ: T. Do you have facebook ID? T: Do you like facebook?what do you do on facebook? T: Do you like your friends' pictures on facebook ? Teacher will elicit their answers just from 1 or 2 students.
Teacher will stick some pictures on the board and set the students in a pair and will ask them to talk about what they like or they don’t like or hate and love for a short time . Then change the partner to have more chance to listen and talk to their other classmates. Teacher will monitor them to check their problematic areas and also to elicit the sentence markers from the students on the board. For example: I love travelling or I love cats, etc. Note: In this process of exposure the MF will not be corrected right on the spot but maybe some recasting might happen for error correction in terms of Form and pronunciation which will be dealed with in the clarifying stage from Language analysis. Note: in the beginning of this stage ,teacher will review some vocabulary from previous and will expose them to the new ones by pointing to the pictures or giving the pictures to them Teacher Will elicit some sentences from some students nominating them or ask the WC after pair work. . Write the difficult ones on the board to show their form and drill their pronunciation. Ex. Soap opera (picture of Kara Sevda, a very famous Turkish Soap Opera will be shown to them) to encourage them to show their interest. CCQ; do you know the Series? Is it a good soap opera? Do you like it?
In this stage teachers will give them her own made HO to highlight the MFP of the TL and put the words of vocabulary in the box in the correct column using the structure which was given to them. They can do it in a group and then they mingle to check their friends answers and finally the answer will be given to them. Love,like , don’t have, hate + noun Verb+ing HO: put these words in a correct column
T will give them two controlled practices by the HO from Face 2 face students’ book , p.54,ex.3 &4). It should be folded ( as they are 2 exercise in the same page) This practice will be given to them in order to check their understanding of the concept of the TL which had already been introduced in the previous task (stage) Teacher will Set them in pair and ask them to do ex.3p54. together. They can check their answers on the board.
T will ask the students to fold up their HO(no.4 a ) and work on another activity first individually , then will work in pair to check their answer and finally the answer will be given to them on the wall or on their table(. The students need to provide the v+ing forms of the verb in brackets in this exercise). They can also have a semi-controlled speaking activity and encourage the students here and talk about any 6 statements which are true/ false about them. ICQ: are we going do it alone or with our partner?
T will give them a HO of the Face 2 face student’s workbook activity. T will set them in pair and ask them to fill the gaps individually and then check in pairs.The answer key will be given to them after enough practice . CCQ : Are Mel and Andy brother and sister? Are they similar? Yes they are twins Do they like the same things? No ICQ: are we going to read about Mel and Andy’s Interests? yes Are we going to tick of fill in the gaps? Fill in the gaps
In this stage the four smiley faces will be stuck into four corners of the class with their partners and talk about what they love , like , don’t like and hate in their lives. Finally they can talk about their partner’s grade of interest of anything to the whole class.