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Serdar Yılmaz / 06.04.2016 / İntermediate level / Vocabulary-headline language
İntermediate Level level


In this lesson, students will be able to talk about Headline vocabularies and create their own news story.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of headline language in the context of news and broadcast

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about radio broadcast in the context of news


Warmer / Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • Setting up the lesson context and engaging students to TL.

Greet the students. T will ask: 'Do you read newspaper?' Ss will answer: 'Yes!' T : ' When you look at the front page what do you see? what is on the front page? ' T is trying to elicit the word 'headline'. Ss may say ' pictures,reports etc' . Knowing that realia is useful for beginners level but T will carry a newspaper to use if Ss struggling to produce the word headline.

Exposure / Clarify (14-16 minutes) • To provide context for the TL through a text or situation.

T will introduce some photos and headlines. T will tell the Ss that they will have to match the headlines to the photos. But before, lets have a look at these pictures and words on the WB.T will elicit the meaning of the underlined words. For example for the word 'soar', T will ask:' anybody knows what soar-this word means? Ss will guess right or wrong. T will use elicit techniques such as talking about another word that has a close meaning like fly,up,redbull gives you....' Ss will give the right answer. Next T will ask CCQs: ' if you say tv prices soar, does it mean prices are going up or going down?' Ss will answer : 'Going up!'. On this stage after the meaning and CCQs, T will drill the pronunciation, whole class choral or from the groups in turn. Finally teacher can write them words on the WB talking about stress and intonation. Next, T will ask groups to match the headlines to the photos.T will give the answers. T: Which story would you read first? Why? Ss will talk and T will elicit that headlines tend to use short dramaticwords to catch people's attention. And they are shortened. t: can you make some sentences about the headlines? T will point headlines and ask Sts if they can make any sentence. T will accept any which are grammatically correct and make sense.

Controlled practice / Matching the phrases and listening (11-13 minutes) • To make sure students will be able to identify and talk about headlines.

T will ask Ss to use worksheet exercise2 to find an underlined headline word from exercise1 that has the same meaning as the phrases below. It will be a group work and you have 3 minutes. T: ISQ: is it a group work or individual ? How many minutes do you have? Ss will answer and carry on working as a group. T will give the answers. On this stage (to achieve sub aim) T will tell Ss to listen to the radio news items (a-f) in pairs and match them to the headlines T: ISQ:'pair work or group work? Ss: pair work(1-6). T will give answers.

Production ( freer practice ) (12-13 minutes) • Sts to carry out activities to show they can use the tought language in a much freer way.

T will set the groups for the final group task. Sts will have to write a radio news story based on one of the following three headlines; a)Fans barred from world cup final. b)Teacher quits in exam row. c)Families hit as house prices soar. Groups can invent any extra information and when they finish their story, they will replace it on the classroom walls for other groups to read. T will monitor the task and help the sts if they asked for it.

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