Rebecca Hughes Rebecca Hughes

LP 5
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will carry on what they have learned from the previous lesson in the context of famous speeches. From this we will focus on the use of passive voice. I will use PPP to allow students to use any past knowledge of the passive voice.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the passive voice

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of a speech


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

From the previous lesson, carry on the context of 'famous speeches'. Ask the students a few review questions such as, what do you remember about the previous lessons? What did you learn? What did you focus on? Were the speeches formal or informal? After this, give the matching HO using the passive sentences. Use the PPT as an answer key to the exercise.

Exposure/Marker Sentence (4-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Write the active marker sentence on the board. This has been taken from a textbook task which they will carry on in the semi controlled practice later on in the lesson. Active - People view him as one of the most powerful speakers of modern times Ask the students and try to elicit the form of this sentence. What is the subject? (People) What is the object? (him) what does 'view' represent? (auxiliary verb) Which tense is this sentence? (Present simple) Now write the same sentence in the passive form - He is viewed as one of the most powerful speakers of modern times (by people) What has changed in this sentence? (the object has changed to the subject) What is the reader focused on? (him) Is the old subject 'the people' important? (no) How has the auxiliary verb changed? (auxiliary verb + past participle)

Highlighting (3-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Give students the short paragraph about the 'ancient Greek rhetoric's' . Ask them to read, then, in pairs, explain what makes this text passive. Have them peer check with other pairs before giving WCFB. ICQ's - Are we reading or writing? (reading) Is the text passive or active? (passive) Start to elicit some of the reasons/rules why the text is passive. E.g. there is no known agent, it uses 'by' when it mentions an agent, it is avoiding any responsibility.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify when we can use the target language (the rules)

Give students the HO of the sentences about using the passive voice. Have them work in individually to answer the controlled questions in the sentences. Give them a short time limit of 1 minute to do this, and then have them peer check with the person next to them. Put an answer key on the PPT so they can check their answers against it. Make sure all students have understood the rules and they are clear of the form. If they have not understood, refer back to the marker sentence and explain how you can change an active sentence to a passive sentence.

Different Tenses (2-4 minutes) • Students are able to use passive form in different tenses

Refer back to the marker sentence. Put a grid on the PPT, the first column will show the tense, second will show the subject (the same in all tenses), the auxiliary verb (the thing which changes in different tenses) and the object (also stays the same). Before giving them the auxiliary verb for each sentence, ask them to work in pairs to discuss what they think it is. After, nominate students and try to elicit the answer from the class. Keep this on the WB during their next exercise.

Understanding of tenses (2-4 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice in different situations

Give students the semi controlled 'fill in the gap' exercise from the workbook. Have students work in pairs again to fill out the missing auxiliary verbs. Have students peer check before giving back any answer key. Have another answer key on the PPT presentation so they can check their answers against it.

Semi Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with a semi controlled use of the TL.

Give the students the four paragraphs from the workbook. The sentences in italics are in active form, have the students change these sentences to the passive form and re write them. This will take the bulk of the lesson and students should work in small groups of 3-4 students. ICQ's - Are the sentences in italics active or passive? (active) What will we do to them? (re write in passive voice) Are we working in groups or alone? (groups)

Free Practice (If time,,,) (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with production of their TL in a real life context.

Have students pretend that they have just been elected to be President of the United States. Write a short speech on what you will say to their country. Use the passive voice in their writing and focus on the rules we have learnt throughout the lesson. Why is it necessary to use the passive voice in this situation? Once they have written their speeches, nominate a few students the read their speech aloud to the class.

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