Teaching Practice 4b - Continuous, Simple, and Perfect Grammar Tenses
Upper Intermediate level

Main Aims
To provide practice with the use of the continuous, simple, and perfect tenses, specifically in the context of communicating a narration.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide accuracy practice, in narration form, using the continuous, simple, and perfect tenses.
Procedure (35-55 minutes)
Place on the WB some pictures, portraying the 3 sentences of focus for Grammar Exercise 1 ("The man knocked on Obi's door..."; "He was just settling down to work..."; and "The wad of notes lay where he had placed it..."). Elicit from the Ss some thoughts on what the pictures portray. Write the sentences on the WB. Match the sentences to the pictures, eliciting the answer from the Ss. Then ask the Ss to put the pictures/sentences in logical order. Check your HO (Obi reading). Write on the WB "happened at a specific time," "happening in the past," and "happened before the main events of the story." Direct the students back to the text and find the 3 sentences on the WB. "With your partner, determine whether the sentence happened at a specific time, happened before the main events of the story, or is happening in the past." Then prompt some pairs to answer on the WB.
Pass out the Obi Grammar HO and direct the Ss to Grammar Exercise 1. "With your partner, fill in the definition blanks." Prompt the students once more to provide answers for the WB. Refer back to the sentences on the WB. Read each sentence out loud and ask what tense is it. WC individual nominating is fine for this exercise.
Refer the Ss back to the HO and Exercise 2--"that Can had you read in your earlier lesson." "On your own, read through the text again and circle which is the correct verb. Now check with your partner." ICQs: Are you completing Exercise 2 on your own or with a partner? PP with answer key when exercise has been completed by the WC. Then ask the students, in pairs, to look at Exercise 2 again and decide what type of narrative tense each correct verb is. Nominate Ss to provide the answers and write on the projected PP slide on the WB.
Distribute the second Global course HO and request that Ss fold the HO so that only Exercise 6 and 7 are showing. "With your partner complete Exercise 6." Have the Ss do a quick peer-check." Have the PP project the answers on the WB, eliciting them first from the Ss. Then ask the students, in pairs, to look at Exercise 6 again and decide what type of narrative tense each correct verb is. Nominate Ss to provide the answers and write on the projected PP slide on the WB.
"Now look at Exercise 7. Questions from point A need to be answered, using the words from point B." Have Exercise 7, without the answers, on the WB, projected from PP. Divide the classroom in half (Stunning and Spectacular). One side ask the questions and the other side answers, using the proper verb tense. Switch the classroom and have them ask and answer the questions again.
Use this time for any pronunciation error correction, or vocabulary clarification, that you might have picked during the semi-controlled practice (Exercise 7 task). Also use this time to address some common Ss errors with these narrative tenses (see LA form).
Mix up the Ss into new pairs. "With your partner, come up with a story, using the continuous, simple, and perfect verb tenses in your story. Someone in your group write down the summary of your story and a few sentences in your story that use the continuous, simple, and/or perfect past tense." Provide an example and some prompts for the Ss. After they have completed thinking about and scripting their story, have the Ss mingle and tell each other their story. "Listen closely for the past tense narrative verbs we've been practicing and correct any grammar errors you notice." Use the last part of the lesson for final EC. Write a few sentences on the WB that you heard (used correctly or incorrectly). Have to whole class correct the errors and identify the verb tense that was used in the example sentence.
Distribute the HO from the Global Workbook. "On your own read through this text and decide which of the verb tenses fits with each sentence." When the class is done with the exercise, have them peer-check their work. Project the answers on the WB with PP (elicit the answers from the Ss if you have time).