Ece Ece

Teaching Practice 6
Elementary Level level


In this lesson, students learn the meaning, form and prononciation of the verbs in simple past tense, through Guided Discovery Method. The aim is to maket he students be able to talk about past events, using the correct form of the Simple Past Tense. The context of the lesson is history. The main aim is grammar and the sub aim is speaking. The students will reflect on what they have learnt during the free practice stage, through interacting with each other and speaking.


Abc handouts of different texts and exercises.

Main Aims

  • My main aim is grammar. The students will learn the meaning, form and prononciation of verbs in Simple Past Form.

Subsidiary Aims

  • My subsidiary aim is Speaking. The students will be able to talk about past events in history, setting up sentences in Simple Past Tense.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

My lead in will refer to the text of the previous lesson. I will ask questions about Nelson Mandela to the students and elicit some answers. I will expect the students to set sentences in past tense while doing that. I don't need to set a context since the context has been already set.

Exposure and Guided Discovery (8-10 minutes) • To make the students realise that verbs in simple past tense have different forms.

The students will look at the text from the previous lesson "From Prison to President" and try to find the verbs in the text. They will be expected to underline the verbs. I willnot tell them anything about simple past, the verbs being regular or irregular at all. They will discover the forms themselves. Here, I am taking a Guided Discovery approach in teaching grammar. They will be working alone and check with their peers afterwards. In the end, I will do CCQs, asking them what they have realised about those verbs. I will draw a timeline on the board, elicit some verbs from them (from the text) and so they will understand that those are in fact Simple Past forms of those verbs.

Useful Language (Guided Discovery) (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

In this stage, students will discover how verbs take a different form when they become Simple Past. I will give them the verbs in the text and ask them to classify them into four groups: the ones ending with -ed, -ied, d and the irregular ones. They will work on this task alone and then check with peers. In the end, I will elicit from them why they put a certain verb under a certain category. Here i am aiming to show them the forms verbs take when they are used in Simple Past Tense. And I am making use of the Guided Discovery Method again.

Drilling • To make the students pronounce verbs in Simple Past Tense correctly.

Students will listen to the record and practice the regular Past Simple Forms of verbs (Face to Face CD) afterwards, they will listen and practice the irregular Past Simple Forms of verbs. This will enhance their prononciation capabilities.

Controlled practice task • To make the students fully grasp the meaning and form of verbs insimple past tense

The students will be given five gap-filled sentences and asked to fill in the blanks with the correct form of simple past tense verbs. They will work on the task alone and peer-check afterwards.We will do a whole class feedback in the end.

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

The students will be divided into three groups. The groups will discuss and decide on a historical personality (can be international). They will set a few sentences in past tense to describe that person. Each group will have a chief and a secretary. The secretary will take notes of the sentences. In the end, the chief will read the sentences out loud and the members of other groups will try to guess the personality.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

I will be monitoring the students while they are on the free practice task. I will pick up their errors and then make a whole class feedback to correct them.

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