Hazal Hazal

Teaching practice 2
Upper-intermediate level


The reading and vocabulary set the context for the lesson, and the reading provides examples of the grammar to be covered in the next lesson. The students are aware of suffixes to form adjectives, and have seen -able but not as a separate focus from other suffixes. In the reading, they may not have heard of some of the diseases.


Abc Matching exercise
Abc Reading exercise
Abc Gap fill handout
Abc Speaking
Abc Reading exercise

Main Aims

  • To give students practice in reading for gist, detail and in deducing meaning from context

Subsidiary Aims

  • To raise students' awareness of and give practice in adjectives ending in suffix -able through the context of preventable diseases. To give student practice in speaking for fluency through a discussion.


Warmer (2-5 minutes) • To get students' attention

The teacher will show a picture to the students and elicit that the man is having a heart attack, a common and preventable risk. The teacher will write "heart attack" on the white board and ask students: " what should we do if we don't want to have a heart attack".

Presentation (2-5 minutes) • To set a context

Check students know what preventable means, and what -able means.

Focus on meaning (2-5 minutes) • To check if students understand -able adjectives

The teacher will put on the white board "preventable disease" and "preventable weather". Ask students which combination is possible. The teacher will elicit that we can use some adjectives with some nouns. Students work together to match the nouns and adjectives in exercise 2: group activity. Groups of 3 or 4 will compete with each other, the fastest will win. Teacher will then define the adjectives and give feedback.

Pre-reading and gist (5-7 minutes) • To prepare students for the text

Reading exercise 1, Show students the text (don't give it out yet) and ask students where they think it is from. Put "brochure", "encyclopaedia", "story" and "opinion piece in a newspaper". Distribute the text to the students and ask them to read quickly (30 seconds) and decide where it was taken from, and what they know about the diseases (pair work).

Reading for detail (5-10 minutes) • To find detailed information

Focus students on the task in exercise 2. Give students time to read more slowly and complete the task. Students check their answers in pairs/groups. Ask one student to be the teacher, give him/her the answer key. Then, give them them the answer key.

Deducing meaning from context (5-10 minutes) • To help students extend what they have learned

Students read the statements in exercise 4 and decide which words they would choose to show their opinions. Then students mingle and try to persuade each other.

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