Nazila Nazila

Elementary A1/A2 level


In this lesson, students practice listening which includes vocabulary used to talk about daily routines too. The lesson starts with making some guesses about a girl called Laura whose picture will be on the board, which is followed by listening to her to make sure whether the guesses have been correct or not. They listen to the audio once more to fill in a timetable which will be completed by their own plans later. Some daily routines collocations are reviewed effectively and they play a game, in the end the students talk about their own typical day.


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Main Aims

  • Listening

Subsidiary Aims

  • To review and practice collocations related to daily routines


Lead in (2-3 minutes) • Set the context of the lesson and get the students engaged

T will start the class by greeting and while listening to them she will yawn and pretend like she is so sleepy, then she will explain that she went to bed late last night and got up early which is why she is not energetic. "I went to bed late last night and I got up early that's why I am not energetic." This is followed by a question " what time do you get up everyday?""what time do you go to bed everyday?" Then T will teach the word "daily routine" and ask a CCQ : "do you have breakfast everyday?Yes; is it a routine? Yes" "do you go to bed every day? Yes; is it a routine? Yes" "do you go to the party everyday? No; is it a routine? No"

Pre-listening (3-5 minutes) • Set the context of the listening

Then T will show the picture of a young lady "Laura" and write three questions on the board and ask Ss to answer these questions about Laura in pairs: "how old is she?" "where is she from?" "what is her job?" "where is her workplace?" . In the end, ICQs will be asked : "will you write or talk? Talk. alone or with your partner? with my partner."" how many questions? 3 which questions? Questions on the board" Whole class feedback (By giving the feedback for the last question, T will let Ss know that Laura works 3 days in London and 2 days in Barcelona.)

Pre-task to Gist listening (2-3 minutes) • Contexualize the listening task Ss will do

T will ask Ss " when does Laura get up in Barcelona?" " when does she get up in London?" "are they the same or different?" T will pair them up and ask each pair to write down their guesses about her daily routines. By writing on the board T will instruct them: London Barcelona 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. ICQs will be asked :"will you write or speak?write" " how many sentences?4" "will you write sentences about yourself?No, Laura" To get the feed back, a pair will be chosen and their responses will be written on the board to be used for the next stage as a model.

Gist Listening (2-3 minutes) • To get students find the gist of the listening

T will instruct them to listen and check whether the guesses they've made are right or not through a demo. T will show them to put either a tick or a cross. London Barcelona 1. ✓ 1. ☓ 2. ✓ 2. ☓ 3. ☓ 3. ✓ 4. ☓ 4.☓ an ICQ will be asked : "will you write a sentence? No" "will you tick?Yes. when? we tick when it is correct" "will you cross? yes. when? we cross when it is wrong" Ss will check in pairs and then Whole class feedback.

Listening for Details (2-3 minutes) • To help students find out some details about the listening

T will instruct Ss to fill in the timetable by asking them to have a look at the timetable and pose questions: " do you have her routines in London or Barcelona? London" "which one will you write? Barcelona" "will you write about yourself?No" "alone or in pairs?alone" and play the audio. Ss will first check in pairs then the whole class feedback.

Focus on collocations (5-8 minutes) • To help students get to know the common collocations used to talk about routines

T will have illustrations of "the collocations in the table" on the walls of the classroom. Ss will be in groups of four and will go to each picture and take them off the wall and flip them to reveal the illustrations and guess what they are and come up with a word. (the illustrations are stuck on the wall in a way not to be seen and distract students through the lesson). T will instruct them by a demo and some ICQs: "will you look at one picture?no" "will you move to the next one? yes" how many pictures will you look at? 12" Then she will do a whole class feedback and ask Ss to do ex1.

Focus on collocations task 2 (5-8 minutes) • To reveiw the words and inject some fun

Since the grouping in this stage is complicated, T will do a demo while having three Ss involved so it will be more dramatic and easier to understand. There will be three columns on the board and three cards including have, go, get; and accordingly three groups of 7, lined up in front of it playing the game of board rush.

Speaking (5-10 minutes) • To get students use the target language and speak

Having the collocations on the board, T will ask Ss to talk about their daily routines and use the words on the board. This will be followed by ICQs : " will you ask questions?No" "will you talk?Yes" "will you write?No" some of the students will be chosen to talk about their routines.

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