Ayselee Ayselee

Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn vocab about being accident-prone and read a text about why some people are more accident prone than others.


Main Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about what makes people more accident-prone in the context of an article.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of if being a risk-taker makes a person more accident prone.


Warmer/ Lead- in (6-10 minutes) • To have students take a quiz to decide if they are risk-takers.

Ask students "Do you take a lot of risks?" Elicit meaning of risk. Have a few students give their opinions. Give instructions " We are going to take a quiz. Answer the statement with 'never, sometimes, always, and usually'". Hand students the quiz and give them 5 minutes to complete. Put answer key on board and have students discuss their results. "Discuss with a partner these two questions: Do you agree with your results? and Do you know somebody who takes a lot of risks- are they accident prone.

Pre-Reading (10-15 minutes) • To introduce students to difficult vocabulary.

Write words on the board and ask students which ones they know. "Look at these words, which ones do you know?" "In groups, discuss your ideas." In groups, have them discuss their ideas. If their are some words they have no idea, read the sentence that has the word in it from the text. Elicit answer. Put a little definition beside all of them and go over pronunciation, word stress, ect.

Reading (15-20 minutes) • To have students learn about why some people are more accident prone than others while practicing reading for detail.

"Here is a text about why some people are more accident prone than others. You can start reading once I've handed it to you." After they have finished, hand out the Can you remember worksheet. Have them fill out what they remember and peer check.. "Here are some prompts. See what you could remember. After, you can check answers with a partner."

Cool Down (5 minutes) • To discuss students opinions about whether they think the text is right. To practice speaking skills in a class conversation.

After everyone had come to a natural stop, ask: "Do you agree with the article?" "What do you agree with? "What don't you agree with?" "What did you find interesting?" End lesson with giving students praise on good work.

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