Gülperi Dolkun Gülperi Dolkun

What I like & what I don't like
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will practice vocabulary with phrases of expressing likes and dislikes in different level. They will be introduced to the use of v-ing and a noun with those phrases. Then they will practice T-vocab in a controlled activity and a freer speaking activity.


Abc Cline of like/love/hate
Abc Cut-ups in color
Abc Matching handout
Abc Cut-ups of the vocabulary
Abc Gap-fill handout

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of expressing different levels of like & dislike in the context of things we like and don't like.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice in a mingling activity in the context of likes & dislikes


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher makes some cut-ups about things and activities in duplicate using pink and red papers respectively. Stick the cut-ups around the walls inside the classroom before the class starts. When class starts, group the students into four, give students the instruction to look around the classroom and find things they like and things they don't like in their groups. Let them keep the cut-ups. The teacher chest some of the cut-ups and talk about her own likes and dislikes. "I love dancing." / "I don't like computer games." / "I hate traffic." Transit to the next stage: Here are some more things that I like and don't like, let's look at them."

Target Vocabulary (10-12 minutes) • To provide context for the target vocabs through a matching activity and a cline

Give students instruction by chesting to complete the matching exercise. ICQ: Are we matching pictures with words? With gesture. Hand out the matching exercise. Peer-check. Feedback: W/C feedback. "a) is football, b) is ...?, c) is ...?"etc. Elicit traffic, dance music, fast food, and homemade food by telling a story. Concept-check these words by CCQs: Are the cars going fast in it?/ Can you dance with it? / Is hamburger fast food? /Does it mean you make it at home by yourself? Write down the words with stresses and syllables shown, drill pronouncing these words. Transit to the next activity: Good, let's think about do we like them or do we hate them. Divide students into previous four groups. Give students instruction to stick the cut-ups of things they like & don't like on the cline of like/love/hate. Instructions done by chesting. ICQ: "Traffic, do we like it? Do we hate it? Do we stick it here with I hate ... ?" Hand out the clines to four groups. Monitor while the students are conducting the activity, do not talk. Feedback: Nomination. XXX, what do you love? / XXX, what do you like? etc. Let students focus on the cline, drill saying the sentences. Use fingers to help. Then, let them find out the different level of expressing likes and dislikes by prompting them with numbers. CCQ: "Fast food, it's ok." " Do I love it?" "Do I hate it?" Transit to the next stage: Let's look at these cut-ups. (Chesting) Some have -ing, some don't have.

Highlighting (1-2 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the V-ing form.

Divide students into previous four groups. Give students instruction to find out all the V-ing words among the cut-ups. Hand out the cut-ups. Teacher sit down and give students time to complete this procedure.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target vocabulary

The teaher give instruction to students to stick the cut-ups on the W/B according to action(-ing word) and not action(things). Feedback: W/C feedback. What do we have under action? What do we have under not action? Students are introduced to the meaning of verb and noun not directly here. The teacher changes the names of the two columns to I love and I don't like. The teacher gives students instruction to re-stick the cut-ups according to the new classification. After the students are done, the teacher asks the students if the cut-ups under I love/ I don't like are actions or not actions. Then teacher elicit the from of T-language by questions: Can we use actions with I love? Can we use not-actions with I love? Can we use both actions and not-actions with I love? So far, students should understand we can use phrases like "I love...", "I like ..." etc., with V-ing and a noun. Then the teacher write down four examples of the T-vocab to teach the pronunciation and stress. "I love reading./ I love books. / I don't like driving./ I don't like cars." Transit to the next stage: Very good, now I want to know if you learned this well.

Controlled & Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for speaking practice

The teacher fold the gap-fill handout ahead. Give students instruction to complete the first gap-fill exercise. (Chesting) Handout the paper. Sit down. Peer-check. Feedback: AK under the table. Give students instructions to complete the second gap-fill exercise. (Chesting) Feedback: Draw lots to decide who's giving answers. Transit to next stage: Very good. Let's talk about what we like and what we don't like now.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with speaking practice of the target language

Let students stand up with their written likes and dislikes in their hands, mingle, talk to others about it, get agreeable or disagreeable ideas from others, write down who likes the same things with them. Instruction is given by modeling and gesture. ICQ: Are we talking about I love XXX/I don't like XXX? Are we writing down names? Do these names like the same things with us? With gestures. Monitor during students are speaking. Note down mistakes with target languages. Peer-check: how many names on the paper? Feedback: Who wants to share the names? If false use of target language, write it on the w/b or use the fingers to correct.

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