Aylin Çapulcu Aylin Çapulcu

Simple Present Tense: I - You - We - They
Elementary level


In this lesson, SS will learn about the affirmative form of Simple Present Tense and be introduced to WH questions through Guided Discovery Technique. They will have opportunity to do Vocabulary Practice of the previous lesson via powerpoint presentation involving Teacher's daily activities.


Main Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about times of day, hours, in / on / at in the context of The life of a famous star of a series
  • To provide clarification and practice of Simple Present Tense - I / You / We / They in the context of The life of a famous star of a series

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide SS with opportunities to practice the vocabualry of daily routines in the context of Teacher's life as well as sound prompts


Vocabulary Practice on Daily Routines / Lead In (10-15 minutes) • Give SS opportunity to practice actions for daily activities

ELICITING ACTIVITY T -S: Today, we talk about daily life. Morning, afternoon, evening... (Times of day are written on small WB, for eliciting later) Look! (T shows an animation of Snoopy, characters having breakfast) ** What do they do? S- Have breakfast! I have breakfast in (options would be useful) (...)? One S is nominated to answer I go to bed (...)?One S is nominated to answer (If they can not remember “at” night, drilling is done with WC. SOUND PROMPTS T – WC T plays different sounds on the PPT, and SS are expected to say the actions associated with those sounds. Instruction: Now, you hear a sound (T’s voice is needed here) and say what action? (mimic needed) Demoing: I hear door bell ring (T’s own voice ding dong) and I say (first wait for SS to guess -“get home”) If they cannot guess, say “get home” READY? HEAR! (mimic) SOUND PROMPT 1: Rooster WC: get up! SOUND PROMPT 2: Door opening with bells jingling WC: (Two answers are possible): “get home” / “leave home”! SOUND PROMPT 3: School bell ringing WC: (Two answers are possible) “start classes”! / “finish classes”! SOUND PROMPT 4: Cartoon character snoring WC: (Two answers are possible) “go to bed”! / “sleep”! SOUND PROMPT 5: Crunchy toast eating WC: “eat breakfast”! TRANSITION: T: Do you have breakfast like this? (T replays the sound prompt 5 and mimics) I don’t... I am a lady  I do nice things in my daily life. Do you want to know about my daily life? LEAD-IN – VOCABULARY PRACTICE: S-S: Pair work activity First, T pairs every student as 1 – 2 and check if they know which number they are. (Labelling can be used here) T Chests 7 packs of cards while giving the task. There are 14 cards in total for each pair. On the cards, there are the actions for daily vocabulary on Exercise 1. INSTRUCTION: Now, you want to guess what I do in my daily life? Yes? OK! Are you ready? You work in pairs. You have a lot of activities with you (T showing the cards and looking at them). You see my picture on the board, look at your cards and say my activity and time of my activity (gesture needed). At this point, T distributes the papers to each pair. INSTRUCTION CHECK: Do you hear? Or do you watch and look? Do you guess Aylin’s activities? T makes use of her ppt for her daily activities and elicits the verb & Subject (I) + verb + time. POWERPOINT: Picture 1  I ...  I get up ...  ??  I get up at 6.30! Concept Check: Do I get up every day? Do I get up early? Picture 2  I...  I have ...  ???  I have breakfast at 7.30! Concept Check: Am I hungry? Do I have breakfast on Monday? On Tuesday? On Wednesday? Picture 3  I...  I leave...  ???  I leave home at 7.40! Concept Check: Do I say “bye home!” every day? Picture 4  I ...  I start ...  ???  I start work at 8.30! Cocept Check: Do I have a job? Do I work every day from Monday to Friday? Picture 5  I...  I have...  ???  I have lunch at 12.45! Concept Check: Have I got something to eat in the afternoon? Picture 6  I ...  I work ...  ???  I work at Kadir Has University!  We work at Kadir Has University! Concept Check: Have I got a job? What is my job? Picture 7  I ...  I live ...  ???  I live in Moda! Concept Check: Do I live in Istanbul? Do I live in Beşiktaş? Picture 8  ı ...  I finish work...  ???  I finish work at 5 p.m! Concept Check: Do I work at 6 p.m? Picture 9  I...  I have ...  ???  I have dinner at 7.30! END OF THE PPT: T – Are all activities true? Is there any false? Think, and say at the end of the class!

FEEDBACK STAGE (5-7 minutes) • To correct SS mistakes if necessary

T anticipates that SS will have problems with the pronunciation of some of the actions. Those might be; “leave” , “sleep”, “lunch”. If that happens during the PPT presentation & eliciting: T writes “leave” on WB. Shows the stress on the first 3 letters. After that, she says the words and uses her hands to show the stress. The drilling is done a) by nomination b) with WC T writes “sleep” on WB. Shows the stress on the mid 3 letters. After that, she says the words and uses her hands to show the stress. The drilling is done a) by nomination b) with WC T writes “lunch” on WB. Shows the stress on the first 2 letters. After that, she says the words and uses her hands to show the stress. The drilling is done a) by nomination b) with WC TRANSITION T - WC: Now you know about my daily routine. Do you want to find the activities in Sam’s daily routine?

Guided Discovery Stage (20-25 minutes) • SS will be introduced to Simple Present Tense I / YOU / WE / THEY via Guided Discovery Technique

GROUP WORK: (T makes 4 groups of SS – Group Morning / Afternoon / Evening / Night) * T chests the Reading passage of Sam’s interview about his daily routine. There are papers for each S, on which the dialogue is written. Verbs are underlined and Subjects are each in different colour. INSTRUCTION: Look at Sam’s activities. Find the actions. (Miming is needed here). T elicits one or two action (if needed) by miming, and SS will understand that the underlined ones are the actions. a) Get up: Miming (Silent Technique) b) Have Coffee: Miming 1. Meaning: MARKER SENTENCE (On Board): We have breakfast at the studio at about 7.30. Concept Check: (WC) Do they have breakfast every morning at the studio? Is breakfast a routine? ** If SS cannot figure out what “routine” is, T shows a picture of the so-called actor (On the T’s material, it is Dustin Hoffman) having breakfast and says: This is routine. They have breakfast again and again and again. EVERY DAY! Concept Check: (Groups) Are the actions same or different with I, YOU, WE, THEY? TRANSITION: We know that these happen every day. Let’s write all of them on the board! 2. Form: T makes 3 columns on the board as S | V | O (maybe the lexis will be hidden). One student from each group will give the subjects, other the verbs, and other the rest of the sentences. INSTRUCTION: Look at the sentences on your papers. Group Morning tells me the colorful word for example “I”. Quickly, Group Afternoon tells me the action; underlined (gesture needed). And Group Evening tells me the rest of the sentence (gesture needed). Demo: T makes the marker sentence on board by eliciting. BOARD: S | V | O 3. Drilling & Free Exercise: a) T chooses the marker sentence to make drilling, uses her fingers to show the ups and downs of intonation. T: We have breakfast at the studio at about 7.30. T - WC: We have breakfast T – WC: at the studio T – WC: We have breakfast at the studio T – WC: We have breakfast at the studio at about 7.30. b) T chests the exercise sheets. On the sheets, there are 7 horizontal lines, separated by 3 vertical lines. INSTRUCTION: Now, I want to know about your daily routine. Look at the action cards in front of you. Make six sentences about your life. (T distributes the sheets for each SS and monitors.) CHECK IF YOU ARE FINISHED! T makes corrections at the feedback stage if really necessary. TRANSITION: Thank you for your sentences and we had a lot of fun together! Now you know me and I know you! But... Do we know Sam’s evening? Night? Do we? No? Do you want to learn? Ok...

Listening Stage (4-5 minutes) • Practice of time structures through listening

T chests the papers for Exercise 7. SS first guess and then listen and choose the correct time of Sam’s activities. a) INSTRUCTION: Now look at your papers and guess (gesture needed). What hour is true? What do you think? ... Now listen to the interview and check your answers! b) Listen again and find all of the questions! Answer Key is provided on the board. Finally, SS are asked to listen one more time to find the Questions on the interview. The Questions are written on the board after pair check. To elicit, they will be shown the Question words in colorful boardmarkers on board.

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