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Time phrases lesson
Elementary Level level


In this lesson, students learn how to use time phrases ''in,on,at,every'' in their simple present sentences. The lesson will start with a dictogloss activity in which teacher reads her daily routine and students completes the missing parts of the routines. They need to complete mostly the target language there like in on at. T will elicit the target language by that dictogloss activity. After that activity, students will work on time phrases again by working in pairs. For example, One student will choose a card in which the weekend is written. She will say ''the weekend'' to his/her peer and the other student will say ''Hımm, AT the weekend''. After this activity, students will work in groups. First, the teacher will give a handout to them. Students will need to choose the correct time phrases. They are going to work alone in this stage. After they choose the correct phrases, they will make questions using those phrases and they are going to ask each other ''Do you get up at 6 o'clock? Do you go to the cinema every week?'' questions. After they finish talking, teacher will get feedback from each group.


Abc Face to Face Elementary Level Grammar Book
Abc Dictogloss handout answer key (See Appendix B)
Abc Matching activity cards
Abc Dictogloss handout (See Appendix A)
Abc Speaking activity cards (See Appendix C)
Abc Face2face Elementary Grammar Book

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will learn how to use time phrases in their simple present sentences.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will learn to use time phrases in simple present tense through listening,speaking, and matching activities.


Lead-in stage (3-4 minutes) • To set the scene and increase students' interest in the lesson

T greets the students and says that they talk a lot about daily routines. Now, it is time to learn her daily routines. T says ''now listen to me and fill the missing parts in the dialogue'' T uses ICQ technique here : Are you working alone? Are you listening? Are you filling the missing parts?

Pre-vocabulary stage-Presentation (5-7 minutes) • To elicit the target language

T gives the handouts to the students in which there are sentences focusing on time phrases. Those time phrases are the missing parts of the handout. T wants them to listen and fill the missing parts of the sentences. When they are finished, T says ''now, check your answers in your groups'' Ss check their answers together. T gives the answer key to each group. By looking at the answer key, Ss check their answers together.

Practice (5-6 minutes) • To make students practice on the target language

T says ''OK, now here are the cards. In the first card, we have ''on,in,at,every..'' In the second cards, we have sentences, the evening, the morning.'' Match the correct times with correct sentences. (Gestures and demo neeed here) Ss match the sentences with correct time phrases. T writes on, in, at, every, on the board and nominates a student from each group. The student comes and writes the sentences under the correct time phrases. (Color-code is a good idea here) They check the answers together. T doesn't repeat the answers here. Instead of repeating the answers, T asks ''Are you happy with this part, anything different?''

Practice (4-5 minutes) • To make students practice on the target language through a speaking activity

(Demo needed here) T chooses a card in which the weekend is written. T says the weekend to the other student. The other student is expected to say ''AT the weekend''. T demonstrates the activity in the class and gives the card to the students. S start completing their sentences by taking turns.

Production stage (8-10 minutes) • To make students produce on the target language through a speaking activity. To make them produce sentences using time phrases.

T says ''You are Group A, you are group B, and you are group C'' T shows an example on the board about what they are going to do. For example, in the first sentence, watch TV in/every evening? Circle the correct one and make a question. Do you watch TV in the evening? T says ''please work alone'' Ss choose the correct time phrases and make questions. They check their answers in their own groups. T monitors them closely while they are doing peer check. If some sentences are not correct, T asks them ''Are you sure about this? Think about this'' T regroups of each group. For example, in group A, there are three people. T says ''you are A, you are B, and you are C to each student in the group. T says that ''Who are As, Who are Bs, Who are Cs'' T regroups the students. All the students start asking the questions made by themselves. When everyone is finished, T gets feedback from each group.

Production stage - Game (wrap-up stage) (6-7 minutes) • to summarize what have been learned in class and create a fun learning environment through a game.

T wants all the students to stand up get in lines in two. T writes on an it every on the board. T says ''I get up ---- 7 o'clock.. Students need to get fast and touch ''at'' on the board.

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