intermediate , B 1 level
Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice in the context of Magic
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of Magic Tricks
Procedure (33-47 minutes)
* Teacher shows a video clip of a magic show . * Ask them what kind of show it was . * Ask them some more questions related to magic shows and magicians .
* Teacher puts a picture of a simple theater on the WB . * ELicit the names for different parts of a theatre . * Elicit the words they need to do exercise 1 . * Ask CCQs . * Drill . * Put the new vocab on the WB ,elicit the speliing . * Elicit and mark the stress .
* Teacher explain what the activity is . * Ask ICQs . * Give them the HOs . * Students do the activity individually . * Students check the answers in pairs . * Teacher check the answers with students for feedback . * Teacher writes the answers on the WB .
* Put the students in groups . * Give them the HOs . * Students discuss the questioins in their groups .