rgzaccaria rgzaccaria

Getting Together Present Progressive, Future Perfect & Future Progressive
Upper Intermediate B2 level


In this lesson students will learn how to use present progressive (to be +ing), future progressive (will be +ing), and future perfect (will have +ed) to make/discuss and cancel plans/arrangements. From the previous introduction lesson it is apparent that students have been exposed to these tenses before but do not always use them properly.


Abc Analysis Guided Discovery Multiple Choice
Abc Gap-fill Answer Key (green)
Abc Making Arrangements- Football Match
Abc Additional Practice Present Cont. Handout
Abc Gap Fill Handout
Abc Future Form Speaking Practice

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of present progressive, future progressive, and future perfect in the context of getting together

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of making plans/arrangements


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will project a birthday party invitation including a date and time (an event in the future that has already been arranged). T will model language by saying “I’d love to attend, but I’m singing at the jazz club that night.” T will then elicit responses from Ss (Are you going?) in present progressive (I can’t: “I’m going to the…then, I’m meeting…that night).

Test #1 (5-10 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

T will transition the class to next activity: "Speaking of plans, James and Richard are going to a football match..." While chesting the HO, T will instruct Ss to "work individually and read the dialogue between James and Richard, as you read, circle the correct phrase to complete the sentence. You have 3 minutes." ICQ: Are you working with a partner? No. ICQ: Are you just reading the dialogue? No, circling the phrase. - While Ss are completing the task, T will monitor for errors in order to gauge what percentage of the class understands the material Once Ss are finished, T will instruct students: "to check your answers, work in pairs, one of you reading as James, and the other as Richard." - Peer teaching at this phase allows Ss to have exposure to the context and TL, and allows T to monitor for further errors to prepare for the clarification stage

Teach (15-20 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

T will clarify meaning and form by giving students a guided discovery activity. Instructions: "Let's see what you've learned, work in pairs to discuss and complete this HO. You do not have to answer question 3. You have 2 minutes." ICQ: Do you have a long time or a short time to finish this? Short. ICQ: So, should you work quickly or slowly? Quickly. T will monitor to see when 80% of Ss are finished and project the HO. FB: T will ask for 3 volunteers to write their answers on the WB and clarify (eliciting agreement/disagreement from class) according to mistakes (and errors gathered from earlier activities) 1. Correct answers b&d - b: "What are you doing next Sat. afternoon?" form [to be + ing] PRESENT CONTINUOUS - expresses definite arrangements (What day and time frame is being referred to?) -d: "What are you going to do next Saturday afternoon?" form [be + going to + base form of verb] DEFINITE ARRANGEMENTS/INTENTIONS IN FUTURE **express to Ss: we can use "going to" future form instead of present continuous, but the opposite is not true** ** stress a) definite arrangements: "I'm going to take," "are playing," "we're having" b) general intentions: "Are you going to take," "I'm going to drive" 2. New idea vs. old idea b- "I'll tell her it's something..." [new idea] - FUTURE SIMPLE: [will + base form] ** expresses an idea made at the time of the conversation a- "I'm going to take..." [old idea] - [be + going to + base form of verb] DEFINITE ARRANGEMENTS/INTENTIONS IN FUTURE 3. Omitted: Present simple/ perfect (d, f, m, o from dialogue) Why is it used: a) because it expresses a timetable action b) dates that are absolutely set 4. "I'm sure she'll understand" [Prediction] e: "Im sure Mum won't mind" n: "...likely to be pretty busy" ex. "The clouds are dark, it's going to rain."

Test #2 (5-7 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

T will test students again with a gap fill. Instructions: "Work ALONE and fill in the gaps using future forms." ICQ: Are you discussing the sentences with your partner? No. -T will monitor to see whether addition practice is needed (if most Ss get fewer than 65% correct, T will give present continuous practice) -FB: T will give Ss the answer key and have Ss check answers

Additional Practice (3-5 minutes) • To give Ss further exposure to target language

Instructions: "Let's practice 'going to' and 'present continuous' and little more. Work in pairs, read the sentence and cross out the wrong tense." ICQ: Are you circling the right answers? No. ICQ: What are you crossing out? The wrong tense. FB: T will monitor for confusion (d, e, f, i-- where either tense could apply) and elicit responses from individual Ss.

Free practice (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Instructions: "Work in pairs, and choose 3 (2 if running out of time) of the topics list below. Prepare a short talk using the correct future form, and take turns talking." ICQ: How many topics are you talking about? 3 (reduce to 2 if running out of time) ICQ: Are you talking about what you're doing after class? No, about what's on the list. T will monitor for errors and write them on WB to discuss/ correct with Ss. (May not have time for FB on WB- orally correct Ss while monitoring)

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