Tezay Tezay

Good Communication
B1+ Intermediate level


Ss learn will/could/can/may/might both through eliciting the meaning themselves through the exercises and analysing the language with the teacher. Also, expressing probability will be studied.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification/review and practice
  • To provide clarification/review and practice of will/could/may/might in accordance with the reading text on communication

Subsidiary Aims

  • Necessary vocabulary to help express possibility in parallel with the modal verbs


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To warm students up and elicit the knowledge of will/could/can/may/could

Show pictures and ask the following questions: Pic1: “What might happen to this cat?” Pic2: “Could the cat eat the fish?” Pic1 and 2:“What do you think may happen?”

Task 1 - Test (5-7 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language and note the errors

Distribute the worksheet and ask students to work in pairs for the exercise 1. (3 mins) Feedback and going through the answers with T (2 mins)

Teach (5-7 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

Go through the meanings may/can/could/might/will and the negative forms by using the exercise and separately write modal verbs used for possibility and certainty on the board. Use CCQs to support understanding. Write the formula on the board: Affirmative: Subject + may/might/could/will + infinitive (base form) Negative: Subject + may not/might not/can’t/won’t + infinitive (base form)

Task 2 - Test (7-8 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

Tell ss to make the exercise 2 from the worksheet on their own (3 mins) Tell them to pair check (2 mins) Feedback (2 mins) T monitors and notes down errors and corrects

Vocabulary Task (5-6 minutes) • Test Ss vocabulary knowledge through the exercise

Tell ss to make the exercise 3 in pairs. (3 mins) Then whole class feedback (2 mins)

Teach (5-7 minutes) • Teaching the vocabulary when expressing possibility based on the previous activity

Give meanings of the vocab. Draw a scale: Definitely>Most likely>likely/may well>probably>less likely>unlikely Use CCQ. Drill and model pronunciation Point out and correct any errors seen based on the previous task (7 mins)

Practice through Task 4 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students practice of the target language and vocabulary

Tell students to make exercise 4 individually (3 mins) Feedback (2 mins) Error correction (3 mins)

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