ayoub ayoub

Advanced level


In this lesson, students will be able to improve their receptive skill of reading. The context is about internet access as a human right. During pre-reading stage, the teacher will play a video that compares between how people used to communicate in the past and how they communicate now that they have access to internet. Before while reading task, students will be required to skim over the text and come up with a suitable title. In addition, there will be vocabulary pre-teaching in order to clarify some block words which can hinder comprehension of the text. During while-reading stage, students will be given two activities to work on. The first one is to decide whether the given statements are true or false and why. After that students will be divided into groups as it will be a jigsaw reading. They will be given the same random questions and they need to read the text, find which paragraph the question is related to and answer it. For a post-reading productive activity, students will have a freer speaking activity in which they will be encouraged to speak about the same topic of the text.


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Main Aims

  • To provide reading for gist and detailed reading practice in the context of internet.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice by debating the topic of the importance of internet.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher greets students and chat with them for few seconds to create rapport. He then plays a short video that shows how people used to communicate before and after internet was introduced in our lives. When the video is finished, he elicits the students’ opinions, feelings, etc. regarding the video. After the main idea is elicited, he urges them to discuss in pairs and discuss which era they would want to live in (before internet or after internet). Once the students’ schemata is activated, he proceeds to the next stage of the lesson.

Pre-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

The teacher explains to the student that he will give them a text and that they need to let their eyes skim over it, taking in key words that would help them decide on the best title. He then gives them a handout that includes a comprehension text and a skimming exercise (see Appendix exercise 1.) Students are given five minutes to do the exercise. Once time is up, they are given 30 seconds to check with their partners. After students come up the a suitable title, the teacher pre-teaches the key vocabulary items so that they understand the text more clearly.

While-Reading #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with specific information reading task.

In this activity students are required in the stage to read for more specific information especially that now they are able to draw the title and main idea of the text. To do so, the teacher gives the students another activity in which they are required to read the text again and answer the questions with true or false. Moreover, they need to state why they think it is true or false. Once done, the teacher takes feedback from the whole class and moves to the next activity.

While-Reading #2 (12-14 minutes) • To provide students with a more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading task.

For the this activity, students will need to scan each paragraph in the text to answer questions that the teacher will be giving them. The first thing the teacher does is divide students into four groups. Afterwards he introduces the activity by saying that each group will receive one strip of a paper on which one comprehension question is written. He further explains that each question is related to a paragraph in the text so they need to read the text carefully to find the paragraph that is related to that particular question then read the paragraph carefully to answer the question. Once done, students need to check with the teacher to see if their answer is correct. If so, he gives them the second strip of paper to carry on. If not, they should go back and re-check their answer. The first group to finish all the questions wins.

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Teacher gives positive feedback to his students and moves to the next stage which has to do with speaking about the importance of internet in our lives. He explains that he will give them some statements (see Appendix exercise 3) and that they will need to split into two groups according to whether they agree or disagree with what was said. Teacher gives couple sentences and students make up their minds whether they agree or not. Students need to explain why they agree or disagree and argue (politely) with their classmates. Teacher pays attention to shy students and try to engage them as well.

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