ebtisamegnejewa ebtisamegnejewa

Want to move abroad?
Upper-intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss will practice the techniques of reading which are reading for gist, reading for specific information and reading for details. Ss will practice speaking at the beginning of the class at warmer stage and when Ss are going to talk about a map of the world. There are some new words for Ss to deduce the meaning from the context then they match the definitions. In the lesson, there is a focus on the pronunciation of X at the beginning of the words. The lesson will start with a warmer and a lead-in in the same time. The students discuss some questions about moving to other country. Then in pre-reading stage, first, students will point out the words they know and the words they do not know. second, students look at world map and answer the questions together. Next stage is while reading stage. The students skim the article and write the main point. after that, students scan the article to complete the sentences. Finally, students read the article and decide the sentences are true , false or not given. In post-reading stage, students discuss some questions together. The students will match the definitions with words in the pre-reading stage. Students then complete some sentences with words from the article have been changed their categories. Finally, students focuses on the pronounciation of the letter x in the beginning of the words with putting words started with x in the right column in a table with three sounds.


Abc The materials

Main Aims

  • To provide gist, scan, detailed and deduction reading practice using an article which is " Want to move abroad? This map shows the best and worst countries to be an expatriate"in the context of travelling to other countries.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of travelling to another country
  • To provide clarification of new vocabulary from the text
  • To provide pronunciation practice for the words which start with X


Warmer/Lead-in (15-20 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1- Teacher will ask Ss if they have chosen the country which they are going to do their MA in. This will attract the Ss attention. 2- Teacher will divide the class into pairs according to their levels, stronger Ss with lower Ss in order to avoid having finishing pairs before others. Stronger Ss will help lower Ss. 3- Teacher change the pairs according to levels lower Ss together and stronger Ss together. This change will help the students to talk more with a student in their level to raise their confidence. Teacher will monitor and help Ss if they need any help or if they have any questions. 4- Ss share any interesting information with the class. The ideas of the questions were adapted from this website https://www.workingabroad.net/country-profiles/

Pre-Reading 1 (2-3 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

1- Ss individually put NO. 1 next to the words they know their meanings and NO. 2 next to the words they do not know their meanings. This exercise will help Ss to focus on these words in the context and deduce their meaning while they are reading.

Pre-Reading 2 (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the article

1- Ss in pairs look at the world map and discuss the best and worst countries to move to. Teacher monitors. 2- Ss in groups share their pairs discussion. 3- Groups share the best and worst countries in their opinion with the class.

Pre-Reading 3 (2-3 minutes) • To prepare the students for the article

1- Ss read the title of the article individually then tick the questions that the writer answers in the article.

While-Reading1 (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with gist reading task

1- Ss skim the text and write the main points individually. 2- Ss in groups share their main points.

While-Reading 2 (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed reading task.

1- T gives the instructions of the activity. 2- T asks ICQs to check that Ss' understanding of the instructions Are you going to read the article? Are you going to look for specific information? Will you write words from the text or from your understanding of the article? 3-Ss scan the text quickly and complete the sentences. 2- Ss do the exercise individually then they check pairs.

While-Reading 3 (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed and deduction reading task

1- Ss read the instructions. 2- Ss read the article individually. 3- Ss put T for the true sentences, F for the false sentences and N for Not Given sentences with correcting the false ones. 4- Ss check in groups.

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

1- Ss in groups discuss the questions. 2- T regroups the students. 3- Ss tell their new groups about the discussion in the previous groups. 4- Ss share any intersting information with the teacher and the class.

Vocabulary Focus 1 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students deduction reading tasks

1- Ss in pairs read the vocabulary and the definitions. 2- Ss match the vocabulary with their definitions. Ss can look back to the article to deduce the meaning. 3- Ss check in groups. 4-Ss have the permission to use the dictionary if they face any difficulty in deducing the meaning.

Vocabulary Focus 2 (7-10 minutes) • To provide Ss with practice with the new vocabulary

1- Ss read the words individually with pointing out the category for each word. 2- Ss individually complete the sentences. 3- Ss check their answer in pairs. 4- T checks the answers with the Ss with asking the reasons for choosing the words in each space.

Pronunciation focus (5-10 minutes) • To provide Ss with pronunciation practice of the letter x at the beginning of the words.

1- T elicit the way of pronouncing the letter x at the beginning of the word. 2- Ss try to put the words in the right column. 3- Ss check answers in groups. Ss can use the dictionary after checking in groups

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