Telling Real Stories, Narrative Tenses.
Intermediate, B 2 level
Main Aims
. 1- To develop speaking fluency. 2- To develop the ability of telling a real story fluently
Subsidiary Aims
To develop the ability to understand and accurately use a range of narrative tenses.
Procedure (45-55 minutes)
I will reveal Jvier picture on the WB without showing his name and the students will try to know who he is.
1- I will give the students the reading text and ask them to read it and look for any words they don't understand. 2- Students will speak about Javier and his story with the governmental internet accounts.
1- I will ask the students to read it again to underline the main verbs to start forming a mental framework of the story that they think to write about. 2- I will elicit the target language sentences of the three tenses used in the reading text. 3- I will highlight the main elements of each structure to analyse them with the students in terms of both form and meaning. 4- I will draw the time lines foe the three sentences to let students help me explain the concepts of the three tenses. 5- While analyzing, students practice speaking to show their knowledge about these tenses.
1-By insisting that they don't write, I will push them to use their oral ability more. If students really struggle, I could let them make brief notes. 2- I will circulate around the room and be available for support if students need it. 3- I will listen carefully as they work on the story and make notes of any errors or new vocabulary they need for feedback later on. 4- I will make notes of some of the good sentences or vocabulary some students are using too, so I make a balance between correction and praise. 5- When they have finished, I will tell students that they will have to tell the story and give them a little more time to work together and make sure they can remember everything. 6- I will get the students to change the pairs so that they all have a new partner to work with and get each student to tell their new partner the story they have. 7- This is another good time to me to monitor carefully and listen for errors or new vocabulary that the students need. 8- Once they have both told their partner the story, I will ask students which story they preferred. 9- I will get the students to write their story. 10- I will ask them to illustrate their story. 11- i will put the stories up around the room and get the students to read them all and award marks out of ten. I could give them a list of criteria to do this for example; range of vocabulary, correct use of tenses,spelling, good use of descriptive language etc.
1- I will use the notes that I've made while monitoring to do some feedback and correction. 2- I will ask students to asses the best story they have chosen, in terms of using the correct tenses.Students will show their ability in speaking in the all stages.