Typical Friends
Elementary level
Main Aims
To introduce students to and give them practice in free time vocabulary in the context of typical friends.
Subsidiary Aims
To give students practice in listening for gist, specific information and detail. To give students semi-controlled speaking practice and the opportunity to practice simple present.
Procedure (41-56 minutes)
Before class starts, hang up photos for Activity 1 around the room and put pictures of the teachers own friends on each table face down. Then allow the students to analyze the photos in small groups to discuss who they think those people are in relation to the teacher. Elicit from the students that those people are friends.
Hand students the worksheet and go over the vocabulary with the photos. Drill the vocabulary in the students. Elicit the meaning of "alone". Activity 1-Place pictures around the room and have students individually go around and match the picture to the vocabulary word as fast as they can. Come back as a class and nominate students to give answers. Activity 2- Again ask concept questions to make sure students know "alone". Now in pairs, have students discuss the questions in activity 2. Nominate a few students to share their answers.
Activity 3- Ask students if they do the same activities with their guy-friends and girl-friends. This will introduce the listening activity. Have them do activity 3 (ticking off the words the hear) as they listen to the interview. Play it one time and let the students check within their groups. Check answers as a class.
Activity 4- Explain activity 4 to students and give them a chance to read the statements. Play the interview again. Let them check with their groups and decide if they need to listen again. Check as a class by everyone saying their own answer out loud. If a question has many different answers said, go over that specific question. Keep going over until no questions are left.
End with giving praise on the hard work. Ask everyone their favorite thing to do with their own friends.