Sadaf A. Hussain Sadaf A. Hussain

Talking and asking about places
Upper Secondary 1 level


The students will use Task Based Learning to talk about their favourite place to hang out and later do some practice using quantifiers such as "some, not any, a lot of"


Abc Gap fill / Reordering sentences Handout
Abc Video to build interest
Abc Spot the Difference

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency in talking about their favourite place to hang out in the UAE
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of their favourite place to hang out in the UAE

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of a/an, some, a lot of, not any in the context of places


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Talk about things they will do over the weekend. What is their favourite pass time during their holldays or over the weekends. Show them pictures of different places around Dubai and whether they have been to them or not.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

Show them a picture of my daughter Merziya and ask them who she might be. Tell them who she is and ask them what they think she likes to do over the weekends. Tell them they will see a video of her and they need to remember what she likes (She loves her phone, making movies, her friends, her penny board and going out with her friends at Dubai mall.) After peer checking and checking as a class, ask them if they remember some of the sentences she used and highlight some of the language on the IWB. e.g. I ride my Penny board, I love going to Dubai Mall, I watch movies, My favourite movie is, I love Dubai Mall because there is a big Ice Rink and a cInema. There are a lot of nice shops for shopping. Next to the aquarium is the Cheesecake factory. There is a very big Virgin Megastores. There are lots of restaurants and cafes.

Task (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Give them a piece of paper with their task written on it. With a partner they need to discuss: What they like to do over weekends with their friends or family? What is their favourite place to go in Dubai/Sharjah? 3 things they like to do at their favourite place and 5 places that you can find there?

Planning (10-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity for students to report on each other's likes and dislikes

Now tell them to write down all their partner said into sentences so they can come present it to the rest of the class.

Report (15-20 minutes) • To allow students to report on what their partner said and decide on the favourite place for most people their age

Tell them that now they will present what they wrote about their partners and by the end of the reports as a class we will decide what the best place is for most kids their age to hang out with their friends.

Language Analysis (15-20 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

Have some of the sentences, they said during their presentation, on the board. Ask them to come and correct them. Ask them why you say such and such. Let them come and correct each other's mistakes before you tell them what is correct. Write down sentences where they said "2 shops or 3 places to eat" or "there isn't a cinema" ask them what other way we could say the sentence. Elicit the use of "some", "a lot of" and "not any" Highlight the meaning and form of the target language.

Language Practice (12-15 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

Give them the worksheet with sentences that require the correct use of "some, not any, a lot of, a/an". once done, they check in pairs and then check as a class by having the answers on the board. Go over the use of each of these using the IWB.

Freer Practice (10-15 minutes) • To practice target language in pairs

Model on the board a "find the difference" activity. Put them in pairs and Give them a each a sheet of paper. Ask them to find the 10 differences in their papers without showing their paper to their paper. Ask them to repeat instructions to make sure they have understood. After they are done with the activity have the picture up on the board and let them tell you what the differences are while you or someone else marks them out.

Review old Vocabulary (5-10 minutes) • To review vocabulary for places did in the earlier lesson

If time permits play a game of hangman to review some of the words did in the earlier lesson. or use this website:

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