Dylan Shafron Dylan Shafron

Teaching Practice 1B
A1 Beginners level


In this lesson students learn about the 3rd person singular of the present simple from viewing pictures of people at their workplaces. Based on these pictures they will complete sentences and make their own sentences based on both the picture handout and their own lives.


Abc TP 1B

Main Aims

  • To introduce the 3rd person singular of the present simple.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give students speaking and writing practice


Warmer/Lead-In (1-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will open by talking about different jobs and touching on own work history. T will ask Ss about their own jobs (if they work) and whether they like them. *Ss will talk about their jobs, T will listen and ask questions.

Language Presentation (10-15 minutes) • To introduce the 3rd person singular of the present simple

T will show two photos of people at work and write simple sentences on the board for Ss to complete. T will ask questions about the people in the pictures. ("How old is he?" "What country is he in?" "Does she work in a restaurant?") Then T will write sentences showing 1st person singular, then 3rd person singular, stressing the -s. T will have Ss (in pairs) decide what is different and why. *Ss will tell T and each other what is different about the sentences. T will drill the phrases and ask questions about them. *Ss will tell T and each other what is different about the sentences.

Activity 1 - Writing and Speaking Practice (10-15 minutes) • To give students writing and speaking practice using 3rd person singular present

T will hand out strips of six pictures and ask Ss to write sentences using words written on the board and using 3rd person singular of the present simple. *Ss write the sentences individually then check in paris. Ss then read aloud their sentences.

Activity 2 - Writing and Speaking Practice (10-15 minutes) • To give students writing and speaking practice using 3rd person singular present

T will show a picture of a family member or friend and tell the Ss a bit about the person to personalize the context. T will ask students to do the same by thinking of two people they know (only one if time is short) and writing one or two sentences about their jobs. *Ss will write the sentences and then they will tell the other students about the two people.

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