Kristin Pollock Kristin Pollock

Lesson: Days to Remember
Beginner level


Students will first be introduced to the context through three images that will later be represented in the stories they read (Beatles concert, Sydney NYE fireworks, World Cup match). They'll then read three peoples' stories about amazing days and choose the correct words in sentences taken from the text. Next, they'll look at the meaning, form, and pronunciation of the past tense of to be. They will then do a controlled practice activity where they chose the correct conjugation of the verb to be with a set of sentences. Then they'll do a semi-controlled activity where they write about an amazing day they had. Finally, they will go around the room and read about each other's amazing days.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of the past of to be in the context of days to remember/positive past experiences.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide scan and detailed reading practice using a text about amazing days in the context of days to remember/positive past experiences.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Will show set of images related to readings to set context, engage students, and to personalize the material. • Show Image 1: Beatles concert o Ask: What is happening here? A concert. o Ask: Who is the band? The Beatles. o Ask: At a concert, we can stand up or we can…? Sit in seats. Drill "seats." • Show Image 2: Sydney NYE fireworks o Ask: Where is this photo from? Sydney. o Ask: What can we see in the photo? Fireworks. Drill "fireworks." o Ask: What day do we normally see fireworks? New Year’s Eve. Drill "New Year's Eve." • Show Image 3: World Cup match o Ask: What is happening here? A soccer match. Drill "match." o Ask: Where do we have soccer matches? A stadium. Drill "stadium." • Ask to discuss with a partner - For the perfect day, which do you prefer? (A concert, fireworks, a soccer match). - 1 min o Brief WC FB

Exposure AND Highlighting (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation AND to draw students' attention to the target language.

(Skipping reading for gist and using text instead to immediately draw attention to TL). • Read stories from three people about their amazing days and choose the correct words in the sentences from #2 regarding details from the text. - 5-7 mins • Students check answers w/ a partner. - 1 min • WC FB (only if I see/hear wrong answers while monitoring during peer checking)

Clarification (13-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

• Meaning o Show 4 marker sentences using past of to be from text. Ask for each - Is this in the past or the present? Past. • Form (#3) o In pairs, fill in the gaps in the chart with the correct form of the verb. - 4 mins o WC FB – give cut-out of each word (was, wasn't, were, weren't) to each group – put up on board into table copied from handout - 1 min • Note to students: wasn’t, weren’t → contracted for speaking and writing • Note: blue pen → was (I, he/she/it), red pen → were (you, we, they) • CCQ: We use was (circled in blue), for which pronouns? • Pronunciation o Show all 4 sentences sentences, practice pronunciation of each - drill chorally and individually o CCQ: Listen, do we stress was? No. • Note: don’t usually stress was, were – usually stress wasn’t, weren’t

Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Controlled Practice (#5) • Choose the correct conjugation of the verb. • In pairs, check each other’s. WC FB* (only if confusion seen while monitoring peer checking)

Semi-Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

• Write about an amazing day you had. Provide the following questions to facilitate writing/generate ideas: o When was it? o Where was it? o Who were you with? o Why was it special? • Provide personal example.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Free-Practice: give stickies to put on back of papers, each student posts their paper on the wall, rotate, reading each other's stories.

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