Kamal Kamal

Teaching practice #7
Starter level


The lesson starts with a vocabulary exercise about activities that people can/can't do. Then, Ss are introduced to the modal verb "can" to express ability through guided discovery. After that, Ss have a pronunciation-focused exercise where they practice the weak and the strong form of "can". The lesson is concluded by a production exercise in which Ss write sentences about themselves on a piece of paper using TL, then mingle to find out who wrote which.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the modal verb "can" for ability in the context of things that people can/can't do

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of words related to general activities in the context of abilities
  • To provide controlled speaking exercise using TL in the context of personal activities


Warmer (1-2 minutes) • To engage students and set lesson context

Ss are shown photos of 3 different activities. Ss are asked what they are and whether they are good at them or not.

Vocabulary (6-8 minutes) • To provide Ss with a set of common verbs and phrases needed to introduce TL

Ss are given HO which has some verbs and phrases about common activities. Ss are asked to work with a partner to match these verbs and phrases to the photos. Ss are told that it's a challenge, and whoever finishes first will come and write their answers on the board. T asks some ICQs: What to do? Match. Alone or with a partner? Alone. Who is the winner? Who finishes first is the winner. Ss are given 2 minutes for this. T drills the vocabulary chorally and individually and deals with any problems related to MFP if needed.

pre-grammar (2-4 minutes) • To prepare Ss for TL and make it accessible

Ss are shown four photos about some Ss and Ts in class. Ss are asked to work in pairs and match 4 photos to 4 sentences. Ss are given half a minute for this. Fast finishers come and write their answers on the board. T checks answers with Ss and drills chorally and individually.

Introducing grammar (7-9 minutes) • To provide clarification for the grammar point

T draws Ss' attention to the formula table. Ss are asked to read the rules and then complete the table using a verb or "can/can't". Ss then compare their answers with a partner. Fast finishers come to the board and write their answers. T asks some CCQs: Does "She can play the piano" mean that she is able to play it or not? Yes, it does. ( I wouldn't use this question with Ss of other nationalities; but since the word "able" is a cognate in Turkish "abil",which is a suffix they use to indicate ability; they will probably get it right away) Which is right, "I can play" or "I can playing" ? I can play Do I say he can or cans? can Do I say "Do you can", "Are you can"or "Can you"? Can you T drills all the forms chorally and individually and highlights the weak and strong form of "can".

Practicing the target language (8-10 minutes) • To provide a controlled practice of the target language

Ss are given HO. Ss are asked to write questions and answers using can/can't. T allocates 4 minutes for this exercise. ICQs: Alone or with a partner? alone Only questions or questions and answers? questions and answers After finishing, Ss compare answers in groups of three. Fast finishers come to the board and write their answers. T checks answers with Ss. T does some error correction if needed.

freer practice (8-12 minutes) • To provide students with a semi-free speaking activity

Ss are asked to write three true sentences about themselves using "can/can't" on a piece of colored paper given to them by the teacher. T collects them and puts them in a small open box. Ss a asked to take one of them and try to find the person who wrote it and give it back to them. ICQs: Can we read what is on the piece of paper? no Can we make it a question and then say it? Yes When can we sit down? When we find the person we are looking for, AND get our piece of paper back. After they all sit down, Ss are asked to try to remember the sentences of the person they were looking for. T does some error correction if needed. [if-time alternative: have Ss write 3 sentences on three separate pieces of paper instead of one, then they choose three different sentences from the box and try to find the people who wrote each one of them]

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