Jeremy Schlichter Jeremy Schlichter

Intermediate level


Students are introduced to functional language for negotiating household chores. The lesson begins with a brief warmer where students are asked to identify typical problems they have with sharing a home with others. Following this, TL is introduced through a listening exercise. The functional language is then clarified through matching/gap fill activities, before moving into various speaking practices.


Abc CD Track 33

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking opportunites for students through the use of compromises in the context of negotiating household chores

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice requesting compromises using "if I do this, can you do that?" sentences in the context of negotiating household problems


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Students are asked about whether they live alone, and what kind of disagreements they have with their flatmates, family, spouses. Students are shown a PP slide showing common flashpoints for household debates and are asked if any of these apply to them or if they encounter different situations. Students discuss among themselves for a few minutes before some examples are elicited, followed by a short discussion of the word compromise.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through listening

Students are introduced to the flatmates and told that they are also experiencing some of these problems. Students are to listen once through and try to figure out which problems they are having. On second playthrough, students will identify their solutions. Students will peer check their answers and then FB will be given as a class.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Students are given HO and asked to match pictures to functional language phrases. Answers are checked via partner where students get some initial practice of the functional language. Afterwards WCFB and/or answer key can be utilized. The functional language flowchart is then introduced and explained showing the form required for the next exercies. If total confusion here, next stage will be skipped and students will proceed to controlled practice to put these two statements into use

Useful language 2 (5-7 minutes) • Provide additional functional language

If above useful language stage goes easily and students seem to grasp the first two concepts, teacher will provide students with second HO to explore more functional language possibilities. After students are finished, they can peer check before checking agains an answer key

Controlled practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice speaking for fluency

If Useful language 2 stage is completed and students seem to grasp functional language well this stage can be omitted in lieu of moving directly to semi-controlled practice. (if short on time as well-if students are struggling, semi-controlled practice will be the final stage before error correction) Students are given information gap HOs and are partnered up (mix groupings here if possible). Students are to try to get as many of their 'problems' solved as possible by arranging compromises with their peers. (If i do this, could you do this). Teacher should monitor closely here to ensure students are using the functional language. Have the class discuss some of the compromises they made as part of the FB process. Partners can also be shuffled again as some groups will choose different compromises to achieve their goals

Semi controlled practice (10-12 minutes) • To have the students apply the functional language to everyday tasks

Students are given a "find someone who" style HO detailing a list of household chores. Students need to negotiate with each other to find someone who is willing to do all their chores. They can accept requests, offer counter offers or simply refuse. The idea is to be the first one to complete their entire sheet. Students can only do one chore for someone else, so as the task progresses its gets increasingly difficult to find someone available to do their chores

Freer Practice (6-8 minutes) • Allow students to use as much functional language as they remember

Students are instructed to think of a problem in their lives that they would like help with. They are then partnered up and asked to request their partner for help. Partner B will then attempt to negotiate to see if Partner A can also help them with their task. Students are challenged to see how many problems they can solve, eventually sharing with the class during the FB stage

Feedback and Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Time allotted for delayed error correction

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