Ahmadzirakghazani Ahmadzirakghazani

household jobs, Quantifiers
Upper Intermediate, B2 level


In this lesson. the students will learn about the use quantifiers in the context. The lesson starts with asking some questions and engaging students in the topic of lesson as well as eliciting some intended senteces that will be used as springboard for further clarification. Later on, T will use elicitation to clarify the grammatical structure. Students will have some controlled activities to practice the structures. Finally, they will have a free practice to discuss their ideas using the recently learned forms.


Abc HO 1
Abc HO 2
Abc WB
Abc HO3

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of quantifier in the context of family

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency-oriented practice in a dicussion in the context of family members' role


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1) T asks the following questions while displaying them on the screen. "Who has got duties and responsibility in a family?" "Who should be responsible for children's education? Mother or father?" " In the family, who’s the boss? Mother, father, or the children?" 2) T gives 1 minute to ss to discuss their answers in pairs. 3) T elicits the intended answers. "everybody has got responsibilities in the family" "Both father and mother are responsible for the children's education. "Nobody is the boss in a family." 4. T draws ss attention to meaning and parts of speech and highlights the quantifiers in the sentences.

Identification of marker sentences with the focus on MEANING. (6-11 minutes) • To draw ss attention to TL (MEANING) inductively by eliciting marker sentences

I 1) T asks ss to have a look at the quantifiers that are in bold in reading text, and tells them : Find: "Which quantifier refer to two things or two people?" "Which refer to more than two things?" ,and "Which quantifier can refer to two or more things or people?" 2) Ss work individually for 3 mins. later on, 3) Ss check their answers in pairs 4) Teacher asks ss to put the answers on the board. II 1) T asks ss to work individually and complete the second table in HO1. 2) Ss work for one minute. 3) Ss check their answers in pairs. 3) T elicits and puts the answers on the screen.

Elicitation of rules with the focus on FORM (3-6 minutes) • To draw ss attention to TL (FORM)

I 1) T asks ss to work individually and circle the correct answers (1 minute). 2) T asks ss to check their answers in pairs (1 minute). 3) T asks ss to provide the answers. At the same time, the answers appear gradually on the screen. (1 min) II 1) T asks ss to amswer the secpnd half of HO2 in the same way (by circling the correct answers). 2) T asks ss to check their answers in pairs (1 minute). 3) T asks ss to provide the answers. At the same time, the answers appear gradually on the screen. (1 min)

Pronunciation Drill (4-6 minutes) • Some related featured of pronunciation are practiced and highlighted

1) T displays TL structures in bold on the screen. 2) T takes ss attention to stress patterns. 3) T gives back-chaining drill.

Controlled Practice (3-6 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

1) T asks to work alone and choose the correct answers (3 mins) 2) T asks ss to check their answers with their peer. 3) T distributes the answer key.

Free practice (4-12 minutes) • To prepare ss for freer practice

1)T asks ss to discuss their opinions about these questions in group. Should a good mother give up her job to stay at home with her children? Do you think it is OK for a father to stay at home with the children and have the mother work instead? Do you think a mother is a better "stay at home parent" than a father? Why or why not? Should women always get custody (keep the children) after a divorce? Why or why not? 2)T provides postponed correction on the board.

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