W8 Listening Monday March 31
A1-B1 Vets level
Main Aims
Students accurately identify past continuous and past simple structures.
Subsidiary Aims
Students understand how ongoing actions are described in past scenarios.
Procedure (50-60 minutes)
Discuss: “What were you doing when you found out about your most difficult case?” Students share answers in pairs.
Audio Clip: A vet describes an unexpected event during a routine examination. Comprehension Questions: “What was the vet doing when the problem occurred?” “How did the vet respond to the interruption?
Activity: Gap-Fill Exercise Students listen and complete sentences using the past continuous or past simple. Example: “I was examining the dog when it suddenly __.” “The power went out while we __.”
Pair Work: Students describe an incident that happened during their work, using both past continuous and past simple.
Instructor provides feedback on listening and speaking skills.