lduffett lduffett

TP5a there is/there are grammar
Elementary A1/A2 level


Students will understand and practice using there is/there are to talk about places.


Abc images of Turkey
Abc gap fill handout
Abc modified gap fill activity table
Abc image of Lexington, Missouri

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of there is/there are in the context of places in the city or country

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in yes/no questions and answers in the context of places in the city or country


Warm-up (6-8 minutes) • To personalize the grammar and set the context (of city and country)

Show students a picture of Istanbul and one picture of the Turkish countryside. Now, ask students what they will find in the city in Turkey and what they will find in the country. Students talk to their partners and come up with 2 sentences for each picture. Teacher writes items they mention on the board, for use in the presentation stage. TestTeachTest: if students are already using there is/there are, then skip the presentation stage and move straight to practice.

Presentation (10-12 minutes) • to familiarize students with the use of there is/there are to talk about places

Teacher points to the picture of Istanbul on the board. To elicit the structure, teacher asks students if there is another way to talk about places and things instead of "we find" or "I see". Once the target structure is elicited, teacher writes it on the board. Do this also with a picture of the country that includes several of some item. Teacher clarifies which structure ("there is" or "there are") to use with singular, plural and uncountable nouns, in reference to the pictures on the board. Next, students work in pairs to discuss what they don't see in the pictures. In wrap-up, students report what they and their partner said and teacher elicits negative structures, again clarifying differences among singular, plural, and uncountable nouns. Finally, teacher holds a picture of his hometown in hand but doesn't show students. Teacher tells students to ask him questions about what is in the picture, thus eliciting y/no question forms. By the end of the presentation, there will be a chart (see LA) clarifying positive, negative statements and Y/N question form for different numbers. Teacher drills students in pronunciation, focusing on stress and elision of the first vowel in is/are.

Controlled practice (4-6 minutes) • to provide students with practice in accuracy using the correct form of the verb "to be" in there is/there are

Students work with a new partner to fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb "to be" on a handout containing sample sentences. Now everybody stand up, find someone else in the room and check your answer. Students read answers. Teacher provides answer key.

Controlled practice (4-6 minutes) • to provide students with practice formulating questions using there is/there are

Teacher does a quick eliciting activity to elicit students' addresses and names of neighborhoods. Students complete the Y/N questions in a survey with either "there is" or "there are" (textbook p. 39, exc. 9) as well as some articles for some of the questions (for more advanced students). Teacher goes over answers with students.

Freer practice (10-12 minutes) • to use the there is/there are structure to talk with classmates about their neighborhoods

Students fill in the table from the previous activity with yes or no, according to what is true for them. Students now walk around and ask their classmates the questions in the survey. They must remember the name of the person for each answer. Students are encouraged to ask more questions and to give more information in their answers (teacher demonstrates). Wrap-up: students report what they found out about their classmates.

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