Writing lesson - TP 8
Pre intermediate level
Main Aims
To introduce and provide practice of writing a short biography
Subsidiary Aims
To provide a gist reading practice using a text about biography
Ss will have clarified and practiced the formal language a connector in the context of writing a short biography
Procedure (37-45 minutes)
Today we're going to learn to write a short biography Show PP 1 Ask What is a biography? - Annotate the Ss answers A biography is a written story about someone's life. It includes important information like when and where they were born, what they did, and their achievements. It can also talk about their early years, career, and how they are remembered. In BORS in a group of 2 - Have you ever thought about writing a biography? Why or why not? + Do you know any good biographies? 2 minutes OCFB - ask 1 student
Let's have a look at Shakira's short biography to better understand how to write a biography. Share google forms Show Google forms and do a DEMO Read the biography and choose the name for each part of the biography. individual, 3 minutes, ICQS BORS You have 2 minute to repeat the different parts of the text to your partner. You will answer in pairs. ICQ: How much time do you have? OCFB - Annotate T: -What are the different parts of a biography called? Early life Beginnings Career Legacy CCQs Does a biography focus on the important things that a person did? (Yes) Is Shakira´s biography written in formal or informal language? (formal) Are there any contractions or abbreviations in the biography? (No) Does it mean it´s more formal that way? (Yes) Let's have a look at some useful language I want you to use when you're writing a biography. Share google forms meaning Show google forms Meaning + DEMO - Read the text again and look at the words in bold which is the useful language 5 minutes ICQs OCFB google forms Show PP slide 2 Elicit the rest of M and F was born on → Does this mean when someone starts their life? (Yes) What comes after the preposition on? (specific date or a day) Grew up in → Is this about where someone lived as a child? (Yes) Notice the preposition + noun (location) Became famous for → Did something make them well-known? (Yes) Notice the preposition Won → Does this mean they lost a competition? (No) What´s the present tense of the verb won? (win) Is known for → Do people recognize them for this thing? (Yes) Notice the preposition + noun / verb - ing Continues to → Did they stop doing it? (No) How would this be in Spanish? (Sigue + verbo) What part of speech comes after "to"? (base form verb) Is "In addition,"(also) a formal connector? (Yes) Is it used to add more information to a topic? - (Yes) Elicit the rest of the connectors: "As a result" (cause and effect) "Which" (relative pronoun linking clauses) "Since then" (time relationship) "In addition" (addition of information) "Also" (addition of information)
Your turn time to write a short biography. Share Google slides Show Google slides + DEMO Share checklist 1 + "cheat sheet" Respect the layout, using the useful language and connectors. Use the checklist and the sheet, try to write about a real person who is alive or dead - if not come up with a fictional biography. 13 minutes, individual, ICQs ICQ What do you need to include in the biography? (Layout, Useful L, connectors)
Now you will work in pairs in BORs sharing your biographies with your partners checking each others work. Share checklist + show PP slide 3 Ss screenshare their biographies, the peers read them and check if all the useful language is included and the structure is respected. Ss use the checklist for support. pairwork, 8 minutes (4 min per student), ICQs Switch after 4 minutes Monitor and gather praises and errors for DEC. DEC - display sentences that were used during the last task that might need correction. Praise and elicit errors. Ss correct their sentences and ask Qs if necessary.