Roberto Roberto

Real Life Simulations - Friday, Week 8
A1-A2 level


Students will consolidate their use of the past tense (simple & continuous) by entering an interview setting and describing their veterinary experience.


Abc Interview Tips - Handout

Main Aims

  • Gain a working knowledge of the past tense in preparation for interviews.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice fluency in answering interview questions. To develop the ability to recognize past tenses in any context. To expand vocabulary related to veterinary studies and work experience.


Warmer/Lead-In (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- Ask students: "Can you think of important questions in a job interview?" - Write their responses on the board. - Elicit what tenses they and the interviewer will be using (focus on past simple and past continuous).

Pre-Task Activity (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

Review of useful language in context: Remind Ss of key past simple and past continuous structures, as well as other connectors and tenses that might be employed in an interview setting: Past Simple: "I graduated from UNAM in 2018." Past Continuous: "While I was studying, I worked at a veterinary clinic." - Use a timeline to show how both tenses function. - Give students example sentences and have them categorize them into past simple or past continuous.

Productive Task(s) (30-35 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to enact situation and expand on what they've learned

Controlled Practice - Distribute the Interview Tips with with common questions and possible dialogue. Students respond to questions and note down any special terms. - Whole-class feedback. Role-Play: Veterinary Interview Divide students into pairs (Interviewer & Interviewee). Provide interview question prompts such as: "Where did you study?" "What was your first veterinary job?" "What were you doing before applying for this job?" Each pair conducts an interview. Switch roles after 5-7 minutes. Some pairs present in front of the class.

Highlighting (5-6 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

- Teacher provides feedback on pronunciation and grammar usage. - New vocabulary is highlighted. - Common mistakes are written on the board for group correction.

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