Roberto Roberto

Real Life Simulations - Tuesday, Week 8
A1-A2 level


Scenario-based discussion: describing a situation as it unfolded.


Abc Crime scene picture, clue cards, discussion prompts

Main Aims

  • Storytelling practice: narrating past experiences by using a topic of general interest to adapt to a professional context.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will describe a past veterinary incident using past continuous and past simple.


Warmer/Lead-in (12-15 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Introduce scene: Mystery at the Vet Clinic Present a picture of a messy vet clinic (e.g., knocked-over medicine, missing dog). Ask: “What do you think happened here?” Provide clue cards (e.g., “The assistant was cleaning the cages,” “The door was open when...").

Productive Tasks (28-30 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

- First, divide Ss into three groups for Group Presentation: Each group presents their version of the clinic mystery using the past continuous and past simple. - Next, Ss engage in Pair Work for Detective Interviews: One student is a detective, another is a witness. They role-play a police interview: Detective: “What were you doing when the dog escaped?” Witness: “I was filling out a medical report when I heard a noise.” T tends to any questions pairs may have.

Wrap-Up Discussion (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

- Discuss: Which clues were the most helpful? - Highlight main uses of both past tenses in the story & solve any doubts from Ss.

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