Copy of Who knows you better: your family or your friends?
Main Aims
To develop students' gist and detailes reading skills in the context of text about British magazine article Who knows you better?
Subsidiary Aims
To develop studens' listening skills in the context of audio about the two girls
Procedure (34-48 minutes)
The question on the board: Who knows you better, your family or your friends? Students disuss in pairs, and then as a whole group
PPT slide with a photo: -Who is Richard? -Who is Danny? - Do they know each other well?
Read the text and answer the questions in pairs - Who is Richard? - Who is Danny? - What do Richard's mum and Danny try to do? - What does Richard have to do?
Pre-teach personality adjectives (Vocabulary bank from SB), PW Now read what Richard says. Mark the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones. Peer-checking and WC feedback Guess the meaning of the higlited words in pars. Discuss as a WC Cover the text and in pairs, try to remember 5 things about Richard
Look at the Photos of Claire and Nina. Who do you think is more Richard's type and why? Discuss in Pairs. WC vote. Optional activity: Give Students Claire and Nina's profiles, let them exchange information and discuss who is better for Richard. Listen to Richard talking about what happened when he met Claire and Nina. Does he like them? What are the problems? Dicuss in pairs. Listen again and check your answers. Discussion: Who knows Richard better? are you surprised?