John Kuti John Kuti

Panic! You're in the Information Age now....
upper intermediate level


Overall the lesson has three segments: speaking sequence…..making generalisations and noting exceptions…. Grammar discovery sequence….forming questions listening sequence……….start the week.


Abc recordings 12 - 14
Abc p14b underline
Abc p14a listening questions
Abc p14c add a word
Abc p21 cline questionnaire about Info-Age
Abc p14d exceptions
Abc listening for details
Abc language focus handout
Abc podcast - rat experiment, short recording
Abc HO extra grammar01
Abc HO extra grammar02

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency practice for expressing nuanced opinions in conversation

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review and practice of question formation with "subject" question words and prepositions, in the context of a quiz
  • To provide inference listening practice using a text about psychological effects of information overload


Modern life - Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

students write out names on papers and hand them in to teacher write up on the board the phrase: Modern life is .......than in the past. ask ss to think of something for the gap....use the names to call people out and then return the paper so that T can see who is who.

Exposure - 3 speakers (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

play the recordings and ask if these speakers mention the same things as us. listen again and answer the more detailed questions T/F/or doesn't say.

Useful Language - generalisations (10-12 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

ss underline the words that show the person is making a generalisation. with h/o 14b THEN ss add in a word with h/o 14c THEN ss look at phrases for exceptions 14d

Productive Task(s) (9-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

ss go back to the underlining h/o 14b Now they should make examples that are generally true for the statements and also think of exceptions....

Feedback and Error Correction (4-7 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T asks for any particularly interesting or strange examples feedback on good or bad language.

speaking - The information age (10-14 minutes) • to activate schemata related to the subject of the listening.

hand out the questionnaire. Ss should answer and think of examples that support their opinions. then discuss in pairs. After this could be a suitable moment for a break.

questions - grammar focus (5-7 minutes) • to review the difficult points in word order for question formation

HO grammarextra01 which contains a reminder about subject and object questions. ss do the exercise and then check with a partner.

questions - grammar focus, prepositions (6-11 minutes) • to review the difficult points in word order for question formation

T gives HO ex. 2 If there's time it could be interesting to make back the whole sentences that the questions were formed Pandas get 99% of their diet from bamboo.

10 minute break in the middle (10-10 minutes) • students move, refresh themselves in different ways

T may be available for questions in this time

listening for gist (9-11 minutes) • to present the overall meaning of the recording

T plays the 7 minute section. Ss organise the strips of paper into the order of the discussion. Allow time for questions here - ss may have other things they would like to ask about what they heard.

listening for detail (4-6 minutes) • students find the words to fit spaces

HO listening for details and then play the short piece just about the rat / dopamine experiment. Quick check in pairs. (answers will be given in the next stage)

language focus (6-9 minutes) • practice forming complicated questions

HO language focus. This contains the answers to the previous exercise. Now convert them into questions.

extension (5-6 minutes) • speaking practice - for fluency

Reorganise into small groups. T asks "Are we like those rats in boring cages? What do you think?"

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